I say both just out of badness :D
pastyphil Aug 23, 2008 #25 Has to be Kylie if only for the hot pants http://www.ananova.com/entertainment/story/sm_1361107.html?menu=entertainment.music or this http://www.heyoka.net/images/kylie/kylie_minogue_003.jpg or this http://www.heyoka.net/images/kylie/kylie_minogue_001.jpg
Has to be Kylie if only for the hot pants http://www.ananova.com/entertainment/story/sm_1361107.html?menu=entertainment.music or this http://www.heyoka.net/images/kylie/kylie_minogue_003.jpg or this http://www.heyoka.net/images/kylie/kylie_minogue_001.jpg
Prod3 Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything Aug 13, 2009 #32 Ive always liked Dannii more than Kylie...shes got a nicer bod in my opinion!
habo9 Banned Aug 13, 2009 #33 Danni is well sexier & she has a naughty glint in her eyes Kylie is missing & she also looks like she would be better in bed than her sister
Danni is well sexier & she has a naughty glint in her eyes Kylie is missing & she also looks like she would be better in bed than her sister
S sproing99 Aug 14, 2009 #34 Danni's face doesn't move, she's Botoxed to, and beyond, the eyeballs. Then again, Kylie's teeth frighten me. Is there a third sister ?
Danni's face doesn't move, she's Botoxed to, and beyond, the eyeballs. Then again, Kylie's teeth frighten me. Is there a third sister ?
PornKhaos Aug 14, 2009 #37 Kylies got the ass, Dannis got the tits, but i would have to choose Kylie!
rintoe Aug 16, 2009 #38 Kylie Minogue for me. Imagine pulling those golden hotpants down and...well you know what I was thinking.
Kylie Minogue for me. Imagine pulling those golden hotpants down and...well you know what I was thinking.