
Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Re: Danielle FTV - Busty FTV Girl

Delaunay might get lost in web searches for you specifically. Majority of people can not type, less can spell correctly or auto-correct will mess it up.
Re: Danielle FTV - Busty FTV Girl relation to a last name for me?...I can't really be known as Danielle FTV on other websites or movies and I don't want to be just known as Danielle. I think Jones has an all American girl feel to it but Delaunay is beautiful and exotic sounding. BTW Delaunay pronounced dee-lawn-a ("a" as in bake). It's also the last name of my favorite book character.

Go with Jones! I'm a Jones but from Wales, it's a good Welsh name that has certainly become an American one too :)