Cynthia Lea / April Brooke

Hi! I'm looking for the webcam archives of Cynthia Lea's website, around 2004-2005. There are about half a dozen videos from those archives floating around the internet, but there were MANY more and I want them all....NAME YOUR PRICE! Especially the webcam session with another girl.
Cynthia is a real hottie - I was a member of her old site and it's great she's back.

Her webcams are awesome - she is far from your usual "non nude" girl.

Best of all are her VIP webcams - last Saturday's was called "Pool Toys" - she had a tiny kiddies' paddling pool in her room, lots of baby oil and she wasn't playing with Barbie! The archive videos are much hotter than if she had just been straight nude.

Fabulous girl.
Rich, I don't suppose you have her webcam archives? And would be willing to sell me copies?