Cuckold Roulette, staring the Fertility Goddess Mandy Flores


Works for panties
For the orginal story, Tribute to the Fertility Goddess Mandy Flores, click here.

The following story was written with inspiration from Mandy's comment of something she'd like to see.

In Her Temple boudoir, the Fertility Goddess Mandy and the God of Photography enjoy Their foreplay, with a dozen of Her nude male slaves locked in chastity standing ready to meet Their every need. The Sexual Goddess can hear the thoughts of Her servants watching their Goddess with Her lover, and while She enjoys what the God is doing to Her, an idea sparked by Her slaves' thoughts puts a devilish smile on Her face. She whispers into Her lover's ear with a mischievous giggle, He whispers back His reply, and She turns to be wrapped in His arms as He continues kissing, nibbling, and caressing Her divine body from behind. The Goddess Mandy says to Her servants, “Today is your lucky day, My cucky little slaves. I know you wish you could sexually please your Goddess,” caressing herself, “but know that you cannot even please a mortal woman with your pitiful excuses for manhood, so that even in Ritual group action, you have no hope of pleasing Me. And that as a benevolent Goddess, I keep you around to do the Temple chores as I have My fun starring in everyone's wet dreams and masturbational fantasies, receiving cum tributes, and getting properly fucked by My Godly lover,” smiling large. The Sexual Goddess continues, “I know your only wish is to serve Me however you can and make Me happy, to bring meaning to your otherwise worthless lives. So, I'm going to allow your worthless dicks to be uncaged so that you may share in the pleasures of Our lovemaking this evening as you jerk off to Us. But there's a catch,” smiling with intentions. She continues, “You must stroke your pathetic dicks precisely as I direct and you must cum exactly when I say, as we play a little game I like to call Cuckold Roulette, where all the barrels are loaded and just itching to discharge,” her smile growing more.

Her Priestess Guards put the dozen servants in a circle around a disgusting bucket at the foot of the bed, each aimed at the slave across from them, and uncage their dicks. Free, but backed up with so much unused cum, and with their noses full of their Goddess' powerful aphrodisiac scent, their cocks instantly achieve their overly-aroused erect state, smaller than the average penis, and start leaking precum. “Ut-ut. No leaking precum,” the Goddess objects, “We don't want the pleasure slowly released, now do we? We want the full effect of a complete release as we unclog those crusty pipes,” smiling large. The Guards pour hot wax plugs into the leaking dicks, stopping the unsanctioned release, and the Goddess Mandy says, “Now, I want you to have a good, firm grip, and jerk yourselves to the pace of the tune I will be providing, and you must keep up with the tempo changes. But remember, no cumming until I say. If you find yourself unable to hold back your basal urges and cum before I say, you will receive a facial from the next inevitable loser, and if you are the first to give in, you must deposit your impure seed into your communal cum bucket, and I will decide later how it will be used. But if you manage to control your urges and cum exactly when I say, you'll win a very special prize from your God and Goddess, that I know you'll just love,” smiling full of intentions. “Now..., let the fun begin,” She says with a huge smile.

The God and Goddess resume Their full foreplay, with Her slowly humming the tune of Pop! Goes the Weasel, only She stops after the first two lines at the 16th note. She repeats the refrain of 16 notes a few times, before singing. “All around their cum bucket, My servants stroke their weasel. Can the losers hold their load,” She asks with a smile, knowing She's got Her first victim. The first slave painfully blows his load in time with the song as his dick audibly pops its wax cork free to release the impure and chunky seed into the bucket, and the Goddess smiles, “Goes the weasel.” For the slave, while he gets relief from the pressure release, the high-pressure release of so much lumpy cum all at once through sub-standard and ill-maintained plumbing, and having to dislodge the wax plug from his penis to do so, is not a pleasant experience.

The Deities arrange Themselves for the God to eat His Goddess' pussy as He fondles Her tits, and as She moans in pleasure, using Her Godly powers, the tune continues at a slightly faster pace in Her servants' heads, to begin the 16-note loop once it reaches the chorus. After a few loops, She's brought to orgasm by Her God, causing the second slave to fail in time with the tune, painfully unloading with a “Pop!” onto the face of the first loser. The Gods swap positions for the Goddess to suck Her God's cock, and Her expert cock work makes Him unload with gusto into Her mouth to swallow after only a few loops. Just ahead of the next “Pop!” provided by the third slave failing to hold his load, and it bursting forth onto the face of the second loser.

God and Goddess sit up to kiss, Her stroking His cock and playing with His balls as He fingers Her pussy and rubs Her clit, all while the slaves continue to hear the tune continuing in their heads at an increased tempo. Their Godly play lasts through the looping tune until She makes Him spew like a geyser as He makes Her squirt like a broken fire hydrant. But in time with the tune and triggered by the Godly orgasms, two slaves fail to hold back their orgasms, going “Pop!,” one onto the third loser, and the other onto his partner in failure.

Five slaves down and seven to go, the Goddess fucks Her God with Her tits, whistling the tune even quicker as She pumps in time with the song, and repeats the refrain until He unloads onto Her chest with a Godly pearl necklace. Seeing Her splattered forces the next loser to spew his load in time with the “Pop!,” unloading onto the fifth loser. The Goddess rolls over onto Her hands and knees, presenting Her rump to Her God, who kneels behind Her. He rubs His erection through Her butt cleavage as She rocks back into Him, keeping Their movements in time with Her humming Her tune a bit faster. When He finally unloads onto Her back and up into Her hair, the seventh slave can't hold his load any longer, going “Pop!” in time with the music, and splattering the sixth slave.

The Photog God lies on His back for His Sexual Goddess to straddle His face and lean forward for Them to 69. He licks and sucks Her clit, fingering Her holes, as She sucks His cock with some stroking of His dick and playing with His balls. The Gods both hum the continuing tune at a faster tempo, the vibrations adding to the other's pleasure, until They cum simultaneously. The 69ing Deities orgasming with the Goddess swallowing as Her pussy gushes Her squirt, the sight and sounds make the eighth slave unload onto the seventh with a well-timed “Pop!”

Eight slaves out, the remaining four continue to stroke themselves ever closer to their seemingly inevitable orgasms to the faster tempo set forth by the Goddess in their heads, as She rides Her Photography God cowgirl to the same beat. When the Goddess climaxes on top of Her lover spewing His seed into Her cunt, the ninth slave goes “Pop!” onto the eighth, right on cue with the song. She spins around on the Godly apparatus impaling Her, and they position themselves for doggie with the God slipping into Her anal passage. He thrusts into Her as She rocks back into Him, fucking Her ass as Their rhythmic slaps coincide with the faster tempo of the continuing tune. The suffering slaves fight to hold their desperate loads, but all the stimulation becomes too great for one as the Deities climax from Their anal fun. The Goddess squirts with an intense orgasm as Her lover continues to pound Her butt as He cums in her, just ahead of the “Pop!” provided in time by the tenth slave uncorking his dick onto the ninth loser.

Down to the final two suffering slaves, the Sexual Goddess rocks forward off Her lover, and sexily turns around to lie on Her back before Him. Looking hungrily up at His still erect Godhood dripping with Her juices, She holds up Her hand to separate Her index and middle fingers, splitting His cock into two equal tools. She takes His hips and rocks Him forward, the lower cock slipping into Her mouth as the upper dick slides between Her tits. With the tune continuing even faster for the slaves, the God of Photography fucks His Fertility Goddess' throat and tits as She masturbates. Their show too much, as They reach orgasm with Him cumming on and into Her stomach with Her writhing in pleasure from Her squirting orgasm, the eleventh slave goes “Pop!” with perfect timing onto the tenth.

Only one slave left, the music slows to the original tempo, the Goddess Mandy smiles at him as She sexily gets on Her hands and knees, and Her lover God lines up His twin cocks behind Her, ready to double-penetrate Her Holy Sanctums. He eases into His Goddess, slowly filling Her with His glory so She can savor every inch filling Her, until He's fully inside Her and reaches around to Her clit. The two Deities begin rocking and Him rubbing Her clit to the slow tempo of the tune, really enjoying the slow, sensual sex. This time, whenever the tune loops back to the beginning after the second chorus line, its tempo increases along with the lovemaking, but the last slave is determined to hold his burning load until given permission by his Goddess. The tune continues to pick up speed along with the Godly sex until at a good pace for fucking, and when at the last note before the “Pop!,” the Deities pause and ease off as the tune skips the infamous line and backs down to a slower pace. The Gods and tune build to the verge of Their shared climax, edging themselves, only to back away to a slow, sensual speed just ahead of the “Pop!” They do this several times until They build powerful climaxes within Themselves, and finally when the song reaches the “Pop!,” They explode with Their Godly orgasms. Her squirt gushing as He deposits gargantuan loads of His seed deep within His Goddess, filing Her womb and anal cavity to capacity, and They collapse onto the bed.

Giddy in Their post-orgasmic state, the Deities look at the lone slave still dutifully stroking himself to the tune provided, despite every urge in his body screaming at him to unload. Wonderfully sweaty and Her hair a sexy mess, the sex-drunk Goddess smiles, “Looks like We have a winner. Dump the cum bucket on the runner-up, and kneel at our bedside for your reward, slave.” The slave cheerfully does as he is told, covering the eleventh slave in the disgusting cum of the first loser, to humbly kneel at Their bedside for his hard-fought reward. The God of Photography pulls His finally spent cocks from His lover's well-used holes as they recombine into one shaft, and the Goddess Mandy squats on the bedside to smile down at him, “Open wide and enjoy your reward, slave.” His mouth open, She pushes the flood of cum from Her womb and bowels, and the slave dutifully ingests it all, not wasting a singe drop.

With the last of Her Godly double creampie fed to Her slave, She turns around to be held by Her God, and They lovingly smile down at the slave, stomach bulging with his reward. The Goddess Mandy happily smiles, “Congratulations, you're now carrying Our Child. Your devotion has proved you are worthy of being host to Our Child during Her gestation. That you will not waver in the months to come to do what is right and needed for the Holy Child now growing within you and the Godly demands She will place on your mortal body. You'll come to know well the joys of being the gestation vessel of a Mistress Deity as you spare your Goddess the morning sickness, back pain, and weight gain, and having to cut out alcohol and occasional cigarette. Speaking of which...” She lights up a post-coital cigarette, takes a nice, long draw, slowly exhales, and smiles at Her lover, “I feel like celebrating Our pregnancy with some champagne.” They leave the bed, passing the stunned, “winning” slave, and as They head for the door, the Photography God inquires of His Goddess, “So, Your tits are still gonna become heavy with milk and get bigger, right,” drawing an irritated look from the Fertility Goddess.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
For the orginal story, Tribute to the Fertility Goddess Mandy Flores, click here.

The following story was written with inspiration from Mandy's comment of something she'd like to see.

In Her Temple boudoir, the Fertility Goddess Mandy and the God of Photography enjoy Their foreplay, with a dozen of Her nude male slaves locked in chastity standing ready to meet Their every need. The Sexual Goddess can hear the thoughts of Her servants watching their Goddess with Her lover, and while She enjoys what the God is doing to Her, an idea sparked by Her slaves' thoughts puts a devilish smile on Her face. She whispers into Her lover's ear with a mischievous giggle, He whispers back His reply, and She turns to be wrapped in His arms as He continues kissing, nibbling, and caressing Her divine body from behind. The Goddess Mandy says to Her servants, “Today is your lucky day, My cucky little slaves. I know you wish you could sexually please your Goddess,” caressing herself, “but know that you cannot even please a mortal woman with your pitiful excuses for manhood, so that even in Ritual group action, you have no hope of pleasing Me. And that as a benevolent Goddess, I keep you around to do the Temple chores as I have My fun starring in everyone's wet dreams and masturbational fantasies, receiving cum tributes, and getting properly fucked by My Godly lover,” smiling large. The Sexual Goddess continues, “I know your only wish is to serve Me however you can and make Me happy, to bring meaning to your otherwise worthless lives. So, I'm going to allow your worthless dicks to be uncaged so that you may share in the pleasures of Our lovemaking this evening as you jerk off to Us. But there's a catch,” smiling with intentions. She continues, “You must stroke your pathetic dicks precisely as I direct and you must cum exactly when I say, as we play a little game I like to call Cuckold Roulette, where all the barrels are loaded and just itching to discharge,” her smile growing more.

Her Priestess Guards put the dozen servants in a circle around a disgusting bucket at the foot of the bed, each aimed at the slave across from them, and uncage their dicks. Free, but backed up with so much unused cum, and with their noses full of their Goddess' powerful aphrodisiac scent, their cocks instantly achieve their overly-aroused erect state, smaller than the average penis, and start leaking precum. “Ut-ut. No leaking precum,” the Goddess objects, “We don't want the pleasure slowly released, now do we? We want the full effect of a complete release as we unclog those crusty pipes,” smiling large. The Guards pour hot wax plugs into the leaking dicks,Oh yes, dip their cock heads into a cup of hot wax to make a "cap" over it :)
stopping the unsanctioned release, and the Goddess Mandy says, “Now, I want you to have a good, firm grip, and jerk yourselves to the pace of the tune I will be providing, and you must keep up with the tempo changes. But remember, no cumming until I say. If you find yourself unable to hold back your basal urges and cum before I say, you will receive a facial from the next inevitable loser, and if you are the first to give in, you must deposit your impure seed into your communal cum bucket, and I will decide later how it will be used. But if you manage to control your urges and cum exactly when I say, you'll win a very special prize from your God and Goddess, that I know you'll just love,” smiling full of intentions. “Now..., let the fun begin,” She says with a huge smile.

The God and Goddess resume Their full foreplay, with Her slowly humming the tune of Pop! Goes the Weasel, only She stops after the first two lines at the 16th note. She repeats the refrain of 16 notes a few times, before singing. “All around their cum bucket, My servants stroke their weasel. Can the losers hold their load,” She asks with a smile, knowing She's got Her first victim. The first slave painfully blows his load in time with the song as his dick audibly pops its wax cork free to release the impure and chunky seed Did you have to use the word Chunky? Ewwwwwwwwww!! into the bucket, and the Goddess smiles, “Goes the weasel.” For the slave, while he gets relief from the pressure release, the high-pressure release of so much lumpy cum all at once through sub-standard and ill-maintained plumbing, and having to dislodge the wax plug from his penis to do so, is not a pleasant experience.

The Deities arrange Themselves for the God to eat His Goddess' pussy as He fondles Her tits, and as She moans in pleasure, using Her Godly powers, the tune continues at a slightly faster pace in Her servants' heads, to begin the 16-note loop once it reaches the chorus. After a few loops, She's brought to orgasm by Her God, causing the second slave to fail in time with the tune, painfully unloading with a “Pop!” onto the face of the first loser. The Gods swap positions for the Goddess to suck Her God's cock, and Her expert cock work makes Him unload with gusto into Her mouth to swallow after only a few loops. Just ahead of the next “Pop!” provided by the third slave failing to hold his load, and it bursting forth onto the face of the second loser.

God and Goddess sit up to kiss, Her stroking His cock and playing with His balls as He fingers Her pussy and rubs Her clit, all while the slaves continue to hear the tune continuing in their heads at an increased tempo. Their Godly play lasts through the looping tune until She makes Him spew like a geyser as He makes Her squirt like a broken fire hydrant. But in time with the tune and triggered by the Godly orgasms, two slaves fail to hold back their orgasms, going “Pop!,” one onto the third loser, and the other onto his partner in failure.

Five slaves down and seven to go, the Goddess fucks Her God with Her tits, whistling the tune even quicker as She pumps in time with the song, and repeats the refrain until He unloads onto Her chest with a Godly pearl necklace. Seeing Her splattered forces the next loser to spew his load in time with the “Pop!,” unloading onto the fifth loser. The Goddess rolls over onto Her hands and knees, presenting Her rump to Her God, who kneels behind Her. He rubs His erection through Her butt cleavage as She rocks back into Him, keeping Their movements in time with Her humming Her tune a bit faster. When He finally unloads onto Her back and up into Her hair, the seventh slave can't hold his load any longer, going “Pop!” in time with the music, and splattering the sixth slave.

The Photog God lies on His back for His Sexual Goddess to straddle His face and lean forward for Them to 69. He licks and sucks Her clit, fingering Her holes, as She sucks His cock with some stroking of His dick and playing with His balls. The Gods both hum the continuing tune at a faster tempo, the vibrations adding to the other's pleasure, until They cum simultaneously. The 69ing Deities orgasming with the Goddess swallowing as Her pussy gushes Her squirt, the sight and sounds make the eighth slave unload onto the seventh with a well-timed “Pop!”

Eight slaves out, the remaining four continue to stroke themselves ever closer to their seemingly inevitable orgasms to the faster tempo set forth by the Goddess in their heads, as She rides Her Photography God cowgirl to the same beat. When the Goddess climaxes on top of Her lover spewing His seed into Her cunt, the ninth slave goes “Pop!” onto the eighth, right on cue with the song. She spins around on the Godly apparatus impaling Her, and they position themselves for doggie with the God slipping into Her anal passage. He thrusts into Her as She rocks back into Him, fucking Her ass as Their rhythmic slaps coincide with the faster tempo of the continuing tune. The suffering slaves fight to hold their desperate loads, but all the stimulation becomes too great for one as the Deities climax from Their anal fun. The Goddess squirts with an intense orgasm as Her lover continues to pound Her butt as He cums in her, just ahead of the “Pop!” provided in time by the tenth slave uncorking his dick onto the ninth loser.

Down to the final two suffering slaves, the Sexual Goddess rocks forward off Her lover, and sexily turns around to lie on Her back before Him. Looking hungrily up at His still erect Godhood dripping with Her juices, She holds up Her hand to separate Her index and middle fingers, splitting His cock into two equal tools. She takes His hips and rocks Him forward, the lower cock slipping into Her mouth as the upper dick slides between Her tits. With the tune continuing even faster for the slaves, the God of Photography fucks His Fertility Goddess' throat and tits as She masturbates. Their show too much, as They reach orgasm with Him cumming on and into Her stomach with Her writhing in pleasure from Her squirting orgasm, the eleventh slave goes “Pop!” with perfect timing onto the tenth.

Only one slave left, the music slows to the original tempo, the Goddess Mandy smiles at him as She sexily gets on Her hands and knees, and Her lover God lines up His twin cocks behind Her, ready to double-penetrate Her Holy Sanctums. He eases into His Goddess, slowly filling Her with His glory so She can savor every inch filling Her, until He's fully inside Her and reaches around to Her clit. The two Deities begin rocking and Him rubbing Her clit to the slow tempo of the tune, really enjoying the slow, sensual sex. This time, whenever the tune loops back to the beginning after the second chorus line, its tempo increases along with the lovemaking, but the last slave is determined to hold his burning load until given permission by his Goddess. The tune continues to pick up speed along with the Godly sex until at a good pace for fucking, and when at the last note before the “Pop!,” the Deities pause and ease off as the tune skips the infamous line and backs down to a slower pace. The Gods and tune build to the verge of Their shared climax, edging themselves, only to back away to a slow, sensual speed just ahead of the “Pop!” They do this several times until They build powerful climaxes within Themselves, and finally when the song reaches the “Pop!,” They explode with Their Godly orgasms. Her squirt gushing as He deposits gargantuan loads of His seed deep within His Goddess, filing Her womb and anal cavity to capacity, and They collapse onto the bed.

Giddy in Their post-orgasmic state, the Deities look at the lone slave still dutifully stroking himself to the tune provided, despite every urge in his body screaming at him to unload. Wonderfully sweaty and Her hair a sexy mess, the sex-drunk Goddess smiles, “Looks like We have a winner. Dump the cum bucket on the runner-up, and kneel at our bedside for your reward, slave.” The slave cheerfully does as he is told, covering the eleventh slave in the disgusting cum of the first loser, to humbly kneel at Their bedside for his hard-fought reward. The God of Photography pulls His finally spent cocks from His lover's well-used holes as they recombine into one shaft, and the Goddess Mandy squats on the bedside to smile down at him, “Open wide and enjoy your reward, slave.” His mouth open, She pushes the flood of cum from Her womb and bowels, and the slave dutifully ingests it all, not wasting a singe drop. i may have just thrown up in my mouth.... yep, I did. lol

With the last of Her Godly double creampie fed to Her slave, She turns around to be held by Her God, and They lovingly smile down at the slave, stomach bulging with his reward. The Goddess Mandy happily smiles, “Congratulations, you're now carrying Our Child. Your devotion has proved you are worthy of being host to Our Child during Her gestation. That you will not waver in the months to come to do what is right and needed for the Holy Child now growing within you and the Godly demands She will place on your mortal body. You'll come to know well the joys of being the gestation vessel of a Mistress Deity as you spare your Goddess the morning sickness, back pain, and weight gain, and having to cut out alcohol and occasional cigarette. Speaking of which...” She lights up a post-coital cigarette, takes a nice, long draw, slowly exhales, and smiles at Her lover, “I feel like celebrating Our pregnancy with some champagne.” They leave the bed, passing the stunned, “winning” slave, and as They head for the door, the Photography God inquires of His Goddess, “So, Your tits are still gonna become heavy with milk and get bigger, right,” drawing an irritated look from the Fertility Goddess.

Your brain has got to be a fun place to be! lol Very creative stuff here, and Mr. "Photography God" is gonna love when I tell him that.


Works for panties
Oh yes, dip their cock heads into a cup of hot wax to make a "cap" over it :)

I thought You Might like that :)

Did you have to use the word Chunky? Ewwwwwwwwww!!

Yes, apparently, I did. I figure they've been backed up a while, and it would have gone bad on them.

i may have just thrown up in my mouth.... yep, I did. lol

Oh, come on. I'm pretty sure I've seen you do atleast as bad with Ray.

Your brain has got to be a fun place to be! lol Very creative stuff here, and Mr. "Photography God" is gonna love when I tell him that.

You don't even know the half of it. I've got a couple of fictional galaxies up there. I'm glad you liked it, for the most part, and I have one more in the works for you. I originally only planned the first one, then while writing it I got the idea for the one I'm still working on, and then you inspired the one you just read with the comments on the first.