Cuckold Jesus

Hey fellas, you ever get with a Catholic girl that had a shrine of Jesus in the bedroom while you were poking her? Statue of Jesus there and I'm not sure if he's there for protection or he wants a drink too. Weird but more better at the same time.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I think "Cock Block" Jesus would be more appropriate. And that's never happened to me.
I think "Cock Block" Jesus would be more appropriate. And that's never happened to me.

Were your Catholics atheists or did they hide Jesus before you hid the salami? I've seen ladies from The Philippines with Jesus statues a head taller than they are. Jesus would be better off looking the other way than turning the other cheek to avoid the sight of the tender lamb's enslavement. Is good.
My addition even though this thread will be moved to the P & R board with Jesus in the tittle.

Catholic girls sluts are all these ditzy giggling blonde is what Zappa is trying to convey.

Seen many of these types in porn movies also.
Cuckold Jesus needs to be a Soundgarden song. I'll write it if Cornell sings it.


"Cuckold Jesuuuuuuuuuuuuus!!!"

According to some theories and adding in certain geographical family traits, chances are that Jesus was either brown or darker skinned person. Expecting that Dino is a white guy, this leads us to conclusion that he has participated in interacial cuckolding act with Jesus...