Crimson Room


In the same manner than the Crimson Room serie, i found out this one called the Ray Room.

It is in Chinese though, but if you played the other rooms sequels, won't be hard to figure out how it all works.

Here is the link : O__o
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juballs said:
i have beat this game... but there are other games out there like this that are impossible

man i dont remember what this one was but it was made by like geniouses and has been beaten by less then 10 people world wide. aparently it takes over a month to beat

edit... its called NOT PRON

and it takes quite a while to beat.

not a month but a fair amount of time

It's that hard is it? It makes me wonder if there is any logical sequence to the clues and puzzles, or if you just have to get lucky.

Just have to get through the veridian room now.
Finally got through the viridian room. Having to hit the skeletons hand multiple times for the key to come out is what held me up. It is a little unfair that it’s that way really.


In a lighter manner, i found a jail escape , based on the crimson room principles.

You can escape from prison starting from here.
These people who keep making similiar games should be stopped, they are just evil, evil people.
I like these type of games. It makes you think. It reminds me of the old games that where nothing but text, and you had to input just the right command to proceed.
D-rock said:
I like these type of games. It makes you think. It reminds me of the old games that where nothing but text, and you had to input just the right command to proceed.

I'd probably like them too if I was smart enough to solve them, I just pissed off after about 5 minutes and quit.

Interesting games...
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Death_blooms08 said:
I'd probably like them too if I was smart enough to solve them, I just pissed off after about 5 minutes and quit.

Clicking everything and the process of elimination helps as much as intelligence. Some of them you have to click just the right spot. Luck is important also.
interesting games. crimson roon noobs room and jail house i all beat. got tired i might tryt them later


In a locked room, your aim is a locked door.

But what if there were many doors?
Makes it all more complicated, doesn't it ?

please, try this out.