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Countdown to largest tax hike in history

What does a typical liberal bashing on republican thread have to do about the tax hike thread I have here?

Question. If there was a tax code in place and you wanted to change part of it, wouldn't you have to allow the whole thing to expire in order to do so..even if you wanted to bring back or even lower taxes in the vast majority of the code?


Hiliary 2020

But, that's not how we, as Americans, are going to tell this story. Even though they were arguably unnecessary tax cuts authorized by a white man, we're going to blame a black man - a black man, who had nothing to do with this, mind you - when those tax breaks expire, as if the black man is raising taxes. When, in all reality, the tax breaks that were given to us by a white man just so happened to expire while a black man was in office.

Ahh, America.

i'm glad you like taxes so much chefry.

and so this is a racial thing?
i didn't realize that.

hey everybody! if your against tax increases in 2010 that means you are a racist.
And here I thought I hated taxes because I hate BIG GOV.
And it turns out that I just hate Obama because he's got dark skin.

ok, no country has ever taxed itself into a better economy.
tax increases, capital gains tax, business tax ect means inflation and unemployment and simply an overall decrease in quality of life, at least for most people.
i just don't get how anyone could be for that.


Hiliary 2020

But, that's not how we, as Americans, are going to tell this story. Even though they were arguably unnecessary tax cuts authorized by a white man, we're going to blame a black man - a black man, who had nothing to do with this, mind you - when those tax breaks expire, as if the black man is raising taxes. When, in all reality, the tax breaks that were given to us by a white man just so happened to expire while a black man was in office.

Ahh, America.

wait a minute.
you were being sarcastic.
that's our chefchitown


what the fuck you lookin at?
keep in mind that this is all under Obama. Not saying Mccain wouldn't have done the same...just pointing it out for those who still praise this fuckin idiot!
keep in mind that this is all under Obama. Not saying Mccain wouldn't have done the same...just pointing it out for those who still praise this fuckin idiot!

Don't go by the numbers given for taxes given in the initial post,they simply are not true.No one is proposing raising rates on anyone making less then $250,000.Also as facial pointed in a thread he just started the disparity of wealth in this country is the worst it has ever been with the rich just doing great while getting thier taxes cut and everyone else sliding backwards.That situation is bad for everyone as it was a vast middle class that was formed after WW2 with incomes growing that made america great and fed our explosion of wealth as a country.Since the 70s the average person has seen their growth in income be stagnant while the rich has seen theirs explode.We can thank Ronald Reagan for the start of letting the wealthy not pay thier fair share.
While Obama is not doing enough to try to reverse that trend at least he is doing some things,the republicans on the other hand would do noting to help the majority of wage earners so it's a no brainer as to which party is better for the majority of people.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Stop whinging about the tax hike you darn plebians.
it's not as though you earned the money and the bankers spend it.
Not as though the sub-prime mortgage collapse was caused on purpose.
Not as though the bankers weren't helped out (Socialism for the rich - I thought Socialism was a dirty word in america?) after they lost the money that was given to them while the people who earned it were left to suffer.
Not as though the people who have the most votes (YOU!) should be treated with respect.
Not as though Obama promised a lot and is fully capable of delivering more to you than he is.
Not as though firearms are legal in your country, allowing you to take back your government and money for yourselves.
Not as though you have a vast network which is impossible to take down through which you could co-ordinate such an event with everyone else in your country.
Not as though you could get leniancy for robbing a bank by claiming that it was a political crime.
Not as though your a bunch of sheep just doing what your told and suffering for it.
Not as though other countries aren't laughing at you.
I don't recall Congress voting on any of this right now. The Congress in place seems content to send out little snippets of their intention, but lack the drive to actually do anything, well at least until after the election. I doubt any of that will be put into the 2010 tax code until after their jobs are secure. Tax increases like that annoy a lot of people.

I can see the day coming when the government taxes away the dependency exemptions for wealthy people again. Used to be if you were in the highest tax bracket you didn't get those exemptions. Or the removal of taxing certain dividends at the capital gains rates.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
First Wave: Expiration of 2001 and 2003 Tax Relief

In 2001 and 2003, the GOP Congress enacted several tax cuts for investors, small business owners, and families. These will all expire on January 1, 2011:

I guess I'm a bit confused on what some here are complaining about. The Tax Relief Acts of 2001 and 2003 were written (by Republicans) with sunset provisions. Do some here not understand what "sunset" means? This reminds me of the homeowners who got balloon mortgages and then complained once the payoff date was looming. What did they think was going to happen? Humans are amusing creatures with short memories. Maybe when I retire I'll get one and keep it as a pet in the backyard. I'll move his food dish everyday and see if he can remember where I put it the next day. And if he can't find it, I guess he'll claim that I'm trying to starve him.

Something else that confuses me is that I see some of the same people who typically complain about the deficit complaining about this issue... which ADDS to the deficit. While I agree that a lower tax environment is healthier for business than a higher tax environment, the Bush/GOP tax cuts were too small and not targeted well enough to really spur economic growth (in true Supply Side fashion), yet they did contribute greatly to the deficit. There were not corresponding spending cuts, and so there was actually something of a double whammy: higher spending and less revenue = surplus gone and deficit swells.

My feeling is that ALL portions of the act that apply to the middle class should be left in place. Those portions that deal with business investment in plant & equipment should be left in place - in fact, I think they should add more incentives for businesses to expand or update equipment. There are parts of the act that do have merits, especially in a time of weak recovery and high unemployment. The problem I have with the GOP (and their apologists) on this issue is that unless ALL parts of the act are left in place, they are content to let ALL of it expire... and then they'll have something else to whine about. Apparently adding to the deficit doesn't bother them as much as they like to pretend it does. Here is a chance for the GOP to prove to me that within that party there is still a belief in fiscal responsibility and an understanding of how Supply Side economics is supposed to work. Thus far, they have failed.

Something else I have to mention: when I hear people say that "they would start a business, but the tax rate is too high", all I can do is :facepalm: When I started my real estate business, I was borrowing money at 12%+ and marginal tax rates were higher than they are now. Reagan got rid of accelerated depreciation on income producing real estate and most fully assumable mortgage options went away. But I continued buying and I continued making money. Not to toot my own horn, but I developed a solid business plan and I followed it. My business plan did not depend on taxes being at any particular level. Anyone who tells you that the success of their business plan hinges on a marginal tax rate being at X rather than Y is full of shit and is just a failure waiting to happen. If people now can't make money (in whatever business) with interest rates at 5% and taxes at 35% or 39.6% (once they get to that highest bracket), then my feeling is they are incapable of running a successful business to begin with. It's like that girl with the squeaky voice that used to be on Saturday Night Live years ago... Victoria something. She was on Fox Business News last year. She said that if taxes went up, she had no motivation to work anymore. That ditz hasn't been in a movie in over a decade, as far as I know. And once she got booted off SNL, the only movies she was ever in were low budget C/D movies that went straight to VHS/DVD. The (real) reason she isn't motivated to work is because no one will hire her. Some people like to use red herrings to explain their failures. They're meant to fail. The entertainment value is in watching them dream up excuses as to why they failed.

If the GOP really cares, they'll work with the Dems to save the parts of the Tax Relief Act that have merits and ditch those portions that do nothing more than add to the deficit. The Dems have not exectuted very well thus far and the way it looks, the GOP's only idea is to say "no" to whatever idea the Dems have. IMO, we are going to be in even deeper shit going forward, as neither side is able to accomplish anything meaningful.
the key is to remember that money is just pieces of cloth which are a physical representation of a metal, a metal which the u.s. lacks the reserves of to back said cloth oh and breathe


Postal Paranoiac
Obama has my permission to raise any and all taxes, as long as it results in the annihilation of stuffed-shirt, sycophantic, self-protecting teabagging Republicans.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Dear Prezident Obama,

Cause you gone raize taxes to 39.6% on peoples making over $250K a year, I decide not to open my bizness no more. At 35% I was gone open a bizness. But not at 39.6%. And youll be sory that I didnt cause I was gone hire like thousands of peoples. Me and my partner, Joe (hes a plumer), was gone by a big building and hire lots of plumers and some hawt girls to be our secretarys. And we was gone make like millons (maybe billons) of dollars every year. But not no more. Your dumb! And a muslim. And a socilist (Sarah Palin says so!). And a communist. And a Nazi. And your breath stinks.

Your trying to steel my freedoms and I aint gone let you! So either you lower taxes on peoples making over $250K a year and stop your socilism or I refuse to get off welfare!


Cletus T. (that thar "T" is for Tee Party) Walboro
The hight of irony and hypocrisy... left wingers called ANY tax cuts (especially the Bush era ones) bad, and not they say that they are good for the economy, just not for those "rich people." Karl Marx would be proud of the class warfare initiated with such retarded, irrational psuedo-logic. A poor man never gives people jobs and doesn't start companies. In fact, most economists agree that worry over the economy and what the government will do is making most "rich people" keep their money on the sidelines right now, hence hurting the economy. Obama and his advisors have shown repeatedly that they do NOT understand economics and have hurt the recovery with bad decisions and deficit spending that had minimal effect while adding to the ballooning national debt, the interest to service which is more than the entire defense budget BTW.