Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot in head


Lord Dipstick
Let me clarify myself to the mindless sheep out there on 3 points that you people seemed to take and mold to what YOU want to believe:

1) By saying that "Palin and Beck-owitz days are numbered"....I meant POLITICALLY!
2) Yes, I believe Glen Beck is a closet Jew who masquerades as a....haha...MORMON!:D
3)NO, I am NOT an anti-semite....I could give a fuck about the Jews!

Seeing that the Left tried to tie this to the right wing and failed spectacularly, even usually reliable leftists like Charles Blow have admitted they jumped the shark.

But remind us again. Where is it that you live and what country are you a citizen of?

Great article BDG. Emcee could be Canadian btw, just a guess.

The left's reaction to the shooting only reinforces my belief that they're the most vile when it comes to hate. Look at some of the leftists on this thread and you get a taste of it.
Great article BDG. Emcee could be Canadian btw, just a guess.

The left's reaction to the shooting only reinforces my belief that they're the most vile when it comes to hate. Look at some of the leftists on this thread and you get a taste of it.

There is quite enough jumping to conclusions, conflating of circumstances and presumptions to go around for both sides.

But without doubt the heightening of the language on the right would appear to have inflamed many to act. There are just too many instances.

Whether it be McVeigh getting inflamed over nonsensical innuendo and ridiculous Waco rhetoric, to the goof listening to absurd rhetoric about Obama banning guns then ambushing a bunch of cops in Pittsburgh.

Maybe this kook was a lone wolf and acting because of some extreme psychosis but when some politician is attacked violently it wouldn't be a stretch to point the finger at some of the rhetoric being tossed around in their direction.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The left has nothing on the teabagger right. The video below is typical of rightwingers. Hate in, violence out.

Here's the Glenn Beck "Shoot them in the head!" video

Thu Jan 20, 2011 at 07:20:28 AM PST

Fox News, bless its shriveled, twisted, black little heart, has the transcript from this June 9, 2010 Glenn Beck Show segment. On 1/13/2011 DailyKos poster KingOneEye posted an excellent collection of inflammatory Glenn Beck rhetoric which included the text of Beck's statements, below, but I think the actual video in this case merits a look.

Notice, from my transcript excerpt below (longer than the video clip) that Beck says "shoot... in the head" three different times, suggesting that not only "radicals" and "communists" but also people who do not stay true to the original intentions of America's founders should be shot in the head. It's a bit garbled but Glenn Beck's repetition of "shoot... in the head" is bizarre and deeply disturbing.
There is quite enough jumping to conclusions, conflating of circumstances and presumptions to go around for both sides.

But without doubt the heightening of the language on the right would appear to have inflamed many to act. There are just too many instances.

Whether it be McVeigh getting inflamed over nonsensical innuendo and ridiculous Waco rhetoric, to the goof listening to absurd rhetoric about Obama banning guns then ambushing a bunch of cops in Pittsburgh.

Maybe this kook was a lone wolf and acting because of some extreme psychosis but when some politician is attacked violently it wouldn't be a stretch to point the finger at some of the rhetoric being tossed around in their direction.

Well Mega the left jumped the gun on this, the left got it wrong, the left did everything to try and make the shooter fit in their theory but that fell apart. The left as usual dropped the ball.
At least Obama had the courage to distance himself from the left and call for calm on all sides.
What's pathetic is how the left immediately (within a few hours) politicized this tragedy.
Once again the leftist media has to do some soul searching and go back to friggin Journalism 101.
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Maybe this kook was a lone wolf and acting because of some extreme psychosis but when some politician is attacked violently it wouldn't be a stretch to point the finger at some of the rhetoric being tossed around in their direction.
Until there's sufficient evidence to indicate otherwise, yes, he was a lone wolf, not maybe.
Also, heated rhetoric and politics go hand in hand in societies that enjoy representative forms of government... always have & always will.
The left has nothing on the teabagger right. The video below is typical of rightwingers. Hate in, violence out.

Oh just shut the fuck up already, people. It goes both ways and the more everybody keeps searching for shit to aid their side and take shit out of context and over-analyze ever word spoke at a rally or over airwaves, the longer both sides' vitriolic nonsense will continue. People on BOTH side lack the ability to communicate ideas and nasty, angry and idiotic hyperbole is what's belched out in it's stead. It's nothing new and it's not Right or Left, it's just now the media is all around us at any and every moment.

I suppose Liberal college kid are promoting execution style murders and armed guerrilla warfare when they wear the Che-t-shirts, eh? And the SEIU encourage violent violent thugs to get their way be fear and force, is that it? Let's just paint our own realities and cling to them no matter how ridiculous and flawed they are.

I can go on all fucking night, showing countless examples from every political group, movement, side and fringe. And everybody can pick and choose which ones to use and exclude to strengthen their argument and further generalize and dismiss those who disagree. That'll be so productive and will accomplish so fucking much.

And the best part is that when you say that somebody's days are numbered and follow it with a machine gun emoticon, you can say it was just a figure of speech...unlike when other people do the same exact fucking thing.
Well Mega the left jumped the gun on this, the left got it wrong, the left did everything to try and make the shooter fit in their theory but that fell apart. The left as usual dropped the ball.
At least Obama had the courage to distance himself from the left and call for calm on all sides.
What's pathetic is how the left immediately (within a few hours) politicized this tragedy.
Once again the leftist media has to do some soul searching and go back to friggin Journalism 101.

We know the right has never jumped the gun in situations.:rolleyes:

Politicizing a tragedy? There was none greater than the right blaming Clinton for 9/11. Waco (and even Ruby Ridge even though he wasn't even the POTUS then.. force of habit I guess). Remember?:cool:

Until there's sufficient evidence to indicate otherwise, yes, he was a lone wolf, not maybe.
Also, heated rhetoric and politics go hand in hand in societies that enjoy representative forms of government... always have & always will.

I tend to disagree and that's why investigators examine all implications. They don't simply wait for evidence that indicates otherwise to fall into their laps. Consider this, if the case presented itself as a lone wolf would be made to look like there's no evidence to indicate otherwise..right?

Heated rhetoric is one thing as that could be simply represented as passionate discourse.

But using suggestive language which to any logical end represents violent action is inexcusable. Or in light of the violence ready political climate we're in the midst of, there is simply no responsible excuse for symbolisms and rhetoric that can be easily construed to incite others.

When you have a Governor planting the seed for secession ...well, secession isn't done with a pen and paper. How far down the line will we go before some goober does something in the name of what this dopey 'governor' suggests??

Whether the left jumped the gun or not is a separate issue from the reality of the rhetoric from the right.

re lone wolf or larger picture: Remember..there was a judge assassinated who was in the middle of a controversial ruling re an Arizona illegal immigration case. Coincidence?
Where's the shot republican, LaLiLuLeLohan?

Huh? I'm not sure I understand the question as asked.

If you're asking where the violent or provocative example of Republicans/ Conservatives/ Tea Party/ what have you, I didn't include one because this was an attempt to show how foolhardy something like taking 22 seconds out of a retarded Glenn Beck rant is. Those pics I threw up represented no single group, fringe group or political party, yet with about three minutes of image.googling, I managed to get you to see what looks like me showing left wing hate. See how easy and inaccurate that is?

I could obviously string countless numbers of I could "the other side" And I could try to group La Raza and Eco-terrorists with labor unions, Ludacris, Michael Moore, Joe Lieberman, the Catholic church and Air America. And then I could show pics of the exploded Murah building with pics of Tea Party folks and Alex Jones gatherings, Baptists' praying and video of a Rand Paul supporter kicking a woman... as if anybody who shares an idea also shares the weakest members biggest faults and flaws.

It would be endless. On both sides or, actually, many sides, there's no shortage of those who will make it look bad because of their own shortcomings. That's life and people need to stop exploiting it and taking the lowest common denominator to implicate an entire philosophy or loose network of philosophies.
Politicizing a tragedy? There was none greater than the right blaming Clinton for 9/11. Waco (and even Ruby Ridge even though he wasn't even the POTUS then.. force of habit I guess). Remember?:cool:


Mega none of those has anything to do with what transpired in the wake of Tucson.

Mega none of those has anything to do with what transpired in the wake of Tucson.

In the framework of "politicizing tragedy" you brought does.

Pope Pious III (the Trident) just claimed with great piety that the left was politicizing this tragedy within hours. Well, maybe it didn't take hours but the right has politicized tragedies and falsely accusing with even greater severity and frequency. Those are but two examples.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Huh? I'm not sure I understand the question as asked.

If you're asking where the violent or provocative example of Republicans/ Conservatives/ Tea Party/ what have you, I didn't include one because this was an attempt to show how foolhardy something like taking 22 seconds out of a retarded Glenn Beck rant is. Those pics I threw up represented no single group, fringe group or political party, yet with about three minutes of image.googling, I managed to get you to see what looks like me showing left wing hate. See how easy and inaccurate that is?

I could obviously string countless numbers of I could "the other side" And I could try to group La Raza and Eco-terrorists with labor unions, Ludacris, Michael Moore, Joe Lieberman, the Catholic church and Air America. And then I could show pics of the exploded Murah building with pics of Tea Party folks and Alex Jones gatherings, Baptists' praying and video of a Rand Paul supporter kicking a woman... as if anybody who shares an idea also shares the weakest members biggest faults and flaws.

It would be endless. On both sides or, actually, many sides, there's no shortage of those who will make it look bad because of their own shortcomings. That's life and people need to stop exploiting it and taking the lowest common denominator to implicate an entire philosophy or loose network of philosophies.

Pont is:

You can't produce any shot republicans, and where are all the pictures of liberals holding guns and rifles?

Unless you provide that, don't go on making a fool of yourself.
Yes, all shooting victims are liberals, shot by conservatives. Leftists never "fan the flames". Democrats never "spew hatred". All Republicans are murderers, and all murderers are Republicans. Every prisoner is a conservative. No liberal has ever committed a violent act, or even threatened harm upon another human being. Hitler was a conservative. All Christians ignore the "Thou shalt not kill" commandment. And political debates are those things where the Republican talks and the Democrat just sits there.

I think I've figured out how you guys think.



Huh?... said:
Giffords supports gun rights. She opposed the Washington D.C. gun ban, signing an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court to support its overturn.


Awaiting "Yeah, well, Republicans are way worse" response in 3, 2, 1...
Golly weren't the Weathermen and SLA Republicans? They must've been 'cause they were so violent.

Pont is:

You can't produce any shot republicans, and where are all the pictures of liberals holding guns and rifles?

Unless you provide that, don't go on making a fool of yourself.

Break out the Baader Meinhof pics!!!!!
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Pont is:

You can't produce any shot republicans, and where are all the pictures of liberals holding guns and rifles?

Unless you provide that, don't go on making a fool of yourself.

Do you want caps or can I just link youtube videos?

And from Mr. Cop Killer himself:

Anything else?