congressman Paul Ryan-r and senator Patty Murray-d stab vets in the back

many in this government do not care about veterans unfortunately, they are seen as cannon fodder by a good number in the upper ranks of the military industrial complex and yes Ryan is a douche to rival douches
no he's the Jackass that yet again is selling out those of us who put our asses on the line to keep his fucking freedom


Hiliary 2020
This proposal actually eliminates the appropriate assessment process and does not take long-term readiness and retention outcomes into account,” Ryan said. “A deadline will have been met, but at a terrible price for our existing force and retirees.
“Currently serving members look at how they, their families, retirees, and survivors have been treated when making career choices. If Congress arbitrarily cuts the retirement benefit for those who have served their country for over 20 years, there could be an unintended impact on uniformed service career retention, and ultimately, national security,” Ryan stated.

Are you sure he's trying to screw retired military?
By those statements it doesn't seem so.

Ive been watching Ryan. he's a self made man.
He worked to be what he is now.
To me he seems like one of the few politicians who actually cares about the future of the nation and not just getting rich and living the high life until his heart stops beating.
last year he submitted the bill trying to make birth control illegal, he is a nut job


Hiliary 2020
So you are one of those low info folks who just believes all the propaganda the democrat party/mainstream media throw at you.
He never tried to make birth control illegal.
He's against tax money ( thats money that someone actually worked for) being used to pay for birth control.....big difference.