Confusing similar forum members


beks001 and Rebeccaposessorofamagnificentrack

Dick Van Cock and Doctor Motor City Madman

Identical twins on the visual front . . for the time being anyway.

There are some members that I've found to be confusing..

For instance, 0209510 with 12061990. I suppose it's an easy mistake to make,
with them both having '2', '9' & '0' in them, however, it's no excuse when you consider that 0209510 is 11852480 less than 12061990..
surely any idiot would notice that!
Again, I've noticed the similarities between 10001110101 and 101011, all those '1's & '0's can look alike at first,
but of course there are three more '0's & two more '1's in 10001110101 than there are in 101011.
004 & 007 can also be troublesome.. I suppose one way of distinguishing them apart, is to note that one has a '4', while the other has a '7'.. however, I prefer to think that whilst 007 is still active, 004 was killed five years ago, on a secret mission, in the middle East... killed by a beautiful, yet deadly Russian agent x007x007x (used to be 007.. but defected).
I am also left wondering about 123456789 and 123456ab..
It's obvious to see that 123456789, simply shows the numbers from '1' to '9', but I'm left wondering how 123456ab, decided that 'a' & 'b' were the choice of letters to go for, rather than maybe '7' or '8' or '9'.. or indeed some combination of the three.
Finally, I'm left with the difficulty of telling apart Hotrod1983 & Hotrod11inches..
This one is quite easy.
Hotrod1983 is obviously a reference to '1983' - presumably the year that the member was born, where as Hotrod11inches is just a twat.... Simple Huh?

You know, I could take your word for that.
Some might even say I should.
But it seems to me that judgements this weighty should not be solely faith-based. They must be approached using the scientific method. Therefore, in the interest of science, the jury will remain out pending further (photographic) evidence :D

Don't tell me you missed the new one I posted the other day. :eek:

beks001 and Rebeccaposessorofamagnificentrack
Identical twins on the visual front . . for the time being anyway.


Not only was I named above, I'm also an identical twin.

I rock.
Excellent post, Tunsty :1orglaugh

Don't tell me you missed the new one I posted the other day. :eek:

You mean the one in the new bra?
Yes of course I saw that. Matter of fact I printed it out, had it blown up to poster size and taped it to the ceiling in my bedroom :nanner:


√ Ballzano and Lone Gunman :dunno: :D

√ The Jack Nicholson's daughter thread and the John McCain's daughter thread lol !

Apeman and Negator :(x :hatsoff::wave:


Closed Account
Ok, so he might not be a forum member, but I always get dick van cock confused with that guy in Titanic who slapped Kate Winslett.


Closed Account
Playing on the Dr. Motorcity as being dissimilar to everyone,

'georges,' is another distinct one.

The member is like in a constant daze of sexual bliss typing disjointed lines of 'ass fucks,' and 'biggie boobies.'


DOA82 and Pete Gazinya .. It's gotta be one in the same !!

:yesyes: . . . :nono:

Also - Dave Rhino, DvC, Slowhand, Nightfly M#4686 (?), Member 006 . . . ., "guest" - Sputnik G and everybody else who either committed a self bannation condition, or were perhaps pissed about internal forum politiks (*j/k) or otherwise :tongue:


Closed Account
'Friday on my Mind' and 'ninetysixcavy' -

both considerably elaborate usernames; that one must read a few times to fully understand. I also believe that I may have picked up some type of similarities in either avatars (at one time at least) or posting content/style.


I also believe that I may have picked up some type of similarities in either avatars (at one time at least) or posting content/style.

Oh, it's not the latter (content) :) I can tell you that :D !

Aside - It must be mental telepathy, Par Pla, I was looking through this thread earlier today. A good source of reference I guess. ;)
'Friday on my Mind' and 'ninetysixcavy' -

both considerably elaborate usernames; that one must read a few times to fully understand. I also believe that I may have picked up some type of similarities in either avatars (at one time at least) or posting content/style.

Oh, it's not the latter (content) :) I can tell you that :D !

Aside - It must be mental telepathy, Par Pla, I was looking through this thread earlier today. A good source of reference I guess. ;)

Thats an understatement:1orglaugh ,our views/content are about as similar usually as night and day.:yinyang:
I say: certify those members who adore Big Boobs (like myself :o ). Pure Wackos:1orglaugh

Oh I dunno: Lotto; busenbust et al. :D