The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
McDonalds is not to blame, it is the fat pieces of shit who think their lives are so busy they cannot take the time to properly prepare a meal - and think they are are getting a great deal for something which, in reality, has as little taste as it does nutritional value.
The automotive industry is not to blame, it is the fat pieces of shit who feel the need to waddle over to their pickups so they can go to the drive through to pick up some beers - and feel it an inconvenience because they have to walk through the aisles of Walmart to pick up their own snacks.
The entertainment industry is not to blame, it is the fat pieces of shit who feel their time is more productive planting their fat loads in the recliner watching shit for entertainment, rather then spending a couple of hours on the bike path.
Fat has become socially acceptable. Fat is a disability - instead of waddling off a few pounds, it is now socially acceptable for lard asses to plant their worthless asses in an electric wheel chair, then wheeze helplessly when they have to actually stand up to get an item that is three feet off the ground. Unfortunately, the insurance companies promote this, driving up premiums for everyone else, as these lard asses bleed the medical establishment because of health related problems directly attributed to their fatness.
Fuck fatness.
I was at McDonalds a couple of months ago and was eating my food when a giant boat of a man walked up to the table I was eating at and literally struggled to wedge himself in between my table and the empty one next to mine. He had at least four things of ketchup - stacked on top of each other so each little paper cup was covered in the damn stuff and made a mess when he put it on MY table - and about a dozen napkins. He spent the next ten minutes coughing and wheezing, just waiting for his food. He was an elderly man and I wonder if any members in his family thought to tell him that day "maybe you shouldn't be going to McDonalds anymore?" When you are obviously unhealthy, why go? It doesn't make sense.