Concepts and tolerances of what is fat have changed a lot.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
McDonalds is not to blame, it is the fat pieces of shit who think their lives are so busy they cannot take the time to properly prepare a meal - and think they are are getting a great deal for something which, in reality, has as little taste as it does nutritional value.

The automotive industry is not to blame, it is the fat pieces of shit who feel the need to waddle over to their pickups so they can go to the drive through to pick up some beers - and feel it an inconvenience because they have to walk through the aisles of Walmart to pick up their own snacks.

The entertainment industry is not to blame, it is the fat pieces of shit who feel their time is more productive planting their fat loads in the recliner watching shit for entertainment, rather then spending a couple of hours on the bike path.

Fat has become socially acceptable. Fat is a disability - instead of waddling off a few pounds, it is now socially acceptable for lard asses to plant their worthless asses in an electric wheel chair, then wheeze helplessly when they have to actually stand up to get an item that is three feet off the ground. Unfortunately, the insurance companies promote this, driving up premiums for everyone else, as these lard asses bleed the medical establishment because of health related problems directly attributed to their fatness.
Fuck fatness.


I was at McDonalds a couple of months ago and was eating my food when a giant boat of a man walked up to the table I was eating at and literally struggled to wedge himself in between my table and the empty one next to mine. He had at least four things of ketchup - stacked on top of each other so each little paper cup was covered in the damn stuff and made a mess when he put it on MY table - and about a dozen napkins. He spent the next ten minutes coughing and wheezing, just waiting for his food. He was an elderly man and I wonder if any members in his family thought to tell him that day "maybe you shouldn't be going to McDonalds anymore?" When you are obviously unhealthy, why go? It doesn't make sense.


Postal Paranoiac
Fat. It's all a matter of batter.
I really like his outfit. It looks really comfortable. It looks as comfy as a onesie

About the fat thing. It's because of technology. Before the tv, games etc. Young people went outside to run around. Now everyone just sits inside and watches tv. Add that to fast food, cars etc.

Being a fat child will make it harder to find inspiration to exercise in the future
Obesity is a problem everywhere not just the US, obvioysly you get greedy fuckers that overeat but in terms of comparing with a century ago we now have a lot of fast food which is oily and fatty, there are manufactured foods full of processed shit we eat everyday that wasn't available before, like Stan said we don't take time to make our own food so eat out from places that don't care about our wellbeing and we don't walk as much as we used to (in fact in our busy lives we don't have time) especially when cars and public transport readily available and with the likes of 100s of tv channels as well as internet and video games many people just sit indoors rather than get out and move about. You go to the supermarket and the choice is ridiculous, you can easily pick so much crap just because it's there, so much confectionary and ready meals are a quick fix to quell your hunger. Personally I'll never know of obesity as with my digestive problems I'm stick thin and am borderline underweight, if I lost a stone I'd probably be committed to hospital for my own safety!

50% of the american population is obese (by definition).
35% of the american population is overweight (by definition), but not obese.

85% of the american population is F A T.

50% of the american population is poor.

I'm pretty sure cheap fast food has some correlation.[/


More like bullshit, because none of those "facts" are true.

More like bullshit, because none of those "facts" are true.


Oh, okay! LOL!!!

Stick your head in the sand much??? LOL!

I guess you can call up the CDC and tell them they are full of shit.

Stay slim, fatmerica! LOL



C'mon, to be fair, some Canadians eat poorly as well.

How 'bout 2,000 strips o' bacon & 216,960 calories son? :yummie: :thumbsup:



Official Checked Star Member
Threads like this seriously make me SO thankful I had a mom who insisted on cooking healthy meals/lunches/dinners every single day of the week. Too many lazy ass parents not parenting these days and its raising a whole new generation of fat kids who'll in turn be obese adults who'll spawn their own little army of fat kids. I hate to see what the world is like in 25 years. Parents and people in general are too lazy to make a healthy meal and step away from their computers/video games/tv...(and say what you want about expense, you can cook a healthy meal for a family for less than $10) I might just give my mom a call tonite and thank her for being so good to me and my brothers.

More like bullshit, because none of those "facts" are true.


Oh, okay! LOL!!!

Stick your head in the sand much??? LOL!

I guess you can call up the CDC and tell them they are full of shit.

Stay slim, fatmerica! LOL

From the Heart Attack Grill:

From Krispy Kreme: Stuff/125a4ca6.jpg

From the West Michigan Whitecaps: Stuff/burger.jpg

From Harold's New York Deli:

Way to go, fatmerica!!! LOL!

btw...that Michigan burger...that's $20 for 4,800 calories.
Equivalent to 160 large organic carrots which you could buy for $16.

If you did this you would be both HEALTHIER and WEALTHIER.
Fat waistline and slim wallet...americans are doing it WRONG.
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Oh, okay! LOL!!!

Stick your head in the sand much??? LOL!

I guess you can call up the CDC and tell them they are full of shit.

Stay slim, fatmerica! LOL



Oh, okay! $16.

If you did this you would be both HEALTHIER and WEALTHIER.
Fat waistline and slim wallet...americans are doing it WRONG.

Says the dude quoting a fat American asswhipe in his sig. This requires...

The ten facepalm salute.

Jebus on a broomstick playing quidditch. I didn't think I'd start all that crap with this thread.

A couple of points:
Will - You're on ignore, but as you posted in my thread, I read your posts. Honestly, I believe you are trying to be stupider as time goes on. You come into a thread started by me, one that has had pretty good discussion, and decide to tell everyone that I'm trolling? Are you fucking retarded, or just a complete asshole? It's one of the two, why don't you choose? And if you are offended by me asking this question, please explain why would you take the time to come into a thread I've started only tell people I'm trolling? Please tell me exactly which part of my post was trolling, and if you won't, kindly shut the fuck up. Thank you.

Stan and Spexy - good points in your posts. Cooking healthy doesn't take long, nor is it expensive. If we made fast food MUCH less available, and made local, healthy food MUCH more available, along with some education on how to cook it, I think the benefits would be immeasurable.

The obesity issue is alarming to me.
The obesity issue is alarming to me.
This whole obesity problem is giving me diabetes. In terms of Fast Food outlets in East London we have ridiculous amounts of cheap and nasty chicken shops all in close proximity to each other, most are just fronts for money laundering as they all undercut the crap out of each other, local councils need to set a limit of how many chicken shops can be opened within a certain distance, maybe 1 per half mile along with bakeries and chinese/indian takeaways so you get a bit of variation as well as non food businesses getting places to open into.

You're an alarmist. There's no obesity issue.

Sorry but in the UK where the NHS is already stretched these fatties take up a lot of resources and people like me who get ill through no fault of our own find ourselves waiting months for a hospital appointement yet fat slobs everytime they get chest pains have a reinforced ambulance sent out to their house along with the fire brigade to help them in, makes me sick :hairpull:

Obesity puts 30 a day in hospital as number undergoing surgery trebles in four years

Read more:
You're just trying to stir things up with this nonthread.

You're an alarmist. Theree's no obesity issue.

You couldn't see a real issue if it smacked you in the face. If you do not like the thread here is a thought, exit it and do not return. Pretty simple :thumbsup:
You're just trying to stir things up with this nonthread.

You're an alarmist. There's no obesity issue.

Please explain to me how this is a nonthread. Please also explain exactly how I am stirring things up with this thread?

Also, please explain how I'm an alarmist? Then, please explain how there can possibly not be an obesity issue in the USA? There are studies from both the right and the left, and even from freaks outside of both the right and the left, that explicitly state the level of overweight people in the USA is exceedingly high. Please explain that away with some facts, some sources, and some citations. If you just dismiss it with a smiley of some sort, you'll look like a total fucking fool.

Finally, Thank you for ignoring the bulk of what I posted. It affirms my decision to put you on ignore. I shall read your replies in this thread, but in general, I'll be ignoring your insignificant, trolling, baiting, uneducated, terrible posts in all other threads.

I realise that your favourite meals come from Wendys and such places. I pray that you're not as fat as I believe you are, and that you don't develop diabetes at a young age. Eat some vegetables you cooked yourself, man.

For the record - I found this photo and comment amazing. I posted it not to enflame, enrage, or provoke anyone. You have to admit, it's astounding.