Common Errors in English.

me fail english? that's unpossible.
Heh heh heh! :1orglaugh That's my kind of page! Thanks Mr. P! :glugglug:
It looks like the manual for a grammar Nazi. :dunno:

GOOD! The internet has really caused a lot of people to just consider spelling and grammar optional.

The side effect of that is that now there's a whole world full of people that don't know how to use the English language properly.

I mean, most people have a few things that befuddle them about the language, and it's not that big a deal. I have a few words I can't spell right no matter how many times I've used them. However...

"Text" speak I find completely annoying. That just goes beyond common errors, into the land of "I'm too lazy to actually form whole words or sentences".

But it seems like people get hung up on a few of the same ones all the time:

There, Their, and They're
To, Two, and Too
lose vs. loose

Since I do a LOT of writing, it's not like an overnight thing for me- it's been many years of writing, editing, re-editing, and re-re-editing to learn a lot about grammar, etc. I'm no expert, but I know my way around it, and I know when I see things that aren't correct.

Like the phrase "I could care less." Well... if you COULD care less, you must care a little. If, though, you COULDN'T care less, now we're talking about you not being able to care one more inkling about something (and that's usually the way people mean it, but they don't say/spell it).

Made up words are always fun, too. If you use "Irregardless", "Flustrated", "Alot", "Acrosst", or "Disorientated". And no, "Irregardless" is not a word, it's called "nonstandard", because people use it all the time, but it has two negatives in it, Irr- and -less.

Not an English teacher, but a frequent English language user. And in an era of auto-correction and spell checkers, most of the spelling errors should be a thing of the past. Alas.....
And I thought I new how to talk good....
I found this on.....(or is it in ?), the internet

A list of Hundreds of common mistakes, misuses (or is it misusages?) and misunderstandings in...(or is it of?) the english language.

Useful stuff, thanks!

GOOD! The internet has really caused a lot of people to just consider spelling and grammar optional.

The side effect of that is that now there's a whole world full of people that don't know how to use the English language properly.

I mean, most people have a few things that befuddle them about the language, and it's not that big a deal. I have a few words I can't spell right no matter how many times I've used them. However...

"Text" speak I find completely annoying. That just goes beyond common errors, into the land of "I'm too lazy to actually form whole words or sentences".

You've got a point there about text-speak, but....

I think text-speak shortcuts make sense when someone is writing an instant message - after all, the whole process is annoying and frustrating and can lead to hand problems in no time at all, a hand that may be needed for rubbing a clit or for jerking off, don't forget! - but yeah, a lot of that language doesn't really need to migrate over into the Web-world. An abbreviated word or phrase here or there - IMHO and BTW are useful, I gotta say - is fine, but we shouldn't devolve into written grunts and groans.

Here's a site that I find endlessly useful:




Closed Account
Good find thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I appreciate a reference like this. I agree that our language has been butchered by colloquialisms, regional, social and ethnic aberrations, and shortcuts like texting and computer chat.

Excellent find, meesterperfect!

GOOD! The internet has really caused a lot of people to just consider spelling and grammar optional.

The side effect of that is that now there's a whole world full of people that don't know how to use the English language properly.

I mean, most people have a few things that befuddle them about the language, and it's not that big a deal. I have a few words I can't spell right no matter how many times I've used them. However...

"Text" speak I find completely annoying. That just goes beyond common errors, into the land of "I'm too lazy to actually form whole words or sentences".

But it seems like people get hung up on a few of the same ones all the time:

There, Their, and They're
To, Two, and Too
lose vs. loose

Since I do a LOT of writing, it's not like an overnight thing for me- it's been many years of writing, editing, re-editing, and re-re-editing to learn a lot about grammar, etc. I'm no expert, but I know my way around it, and I know when I see things that aren't correct.

Like the phrase "I could care less." Well... if you COULD care less, you must care a little. If, though, you COULDN'T care less, now we're talking about you not being able to care one more inkling about something (and that's usually the way people mean it, but they don't say/spell it).

Made up words are always fun, too. If you use "Irregardless", "Flustrated", "Alot", "Acrosst", or "Disorientated". And no, "Irregardless" is not a word, it's called "nonstandard", because people use it all the time, but it has two negatives in it, Irr- and -less.

Not an English teacher, but a frequent English language user. And in an era of auto-correction and spell checkers, most of the spelling errors should be a thing of the past. Alas.....

I think it's rude for someone to not even have the common courtesy to write out the whole word, let alone a sentence, if I'm taking the time to write out full sentences and making an effort to write something that's coherent and grammatically correct. :2 cents:
language evolves, get over it.

text speak has a point in text, like some have pointed out. maybe it's stupid, but maybe it really is better to cut down superfluous speach and just get to the point of what you want to convey.

the idea that we need to "preserve" historic language against social custom is absurd. If that was the case then no one would ever be able to communicate with each other.

To the british they might consider "americanisms" to be wrong linguistically, but millions of people speak that way, even one's that have PHD's in English.

Should we get rid of all the french words and influences in the language, those must not be "pure" english.

and how about if it was suddenly dictated that everyone should speak olde english, a mixture of german and latin that would hardly make any sense to most of us?
Text speak is fine in text, I guess, although I still don't really like receiving it, but I think it's a good thing in a medium such as this because I immediately know who to ignore.