Come Twitter With Me - Hugo Chavez!

Awesome! :)
Twit No. 1: I wake up and pour myself a nice cup of coffee

Twit No. 2: Oh, lke, totally! Sean Penn, like, just totally called me! YAY!

Twit No. 3: OMG! Like, I am totally misunderstooddd! I am not a dictator! Ugh! Lk, wats ppls problemss!?

Twit No. 4: I know America is like trying to kill me and all that but whatever! Haytaz! Gonna hang cool with homeboy Castro!

Twit No. 5: I see white faces. They are my assassins! I know it! I feel it!

Twit No. 6: I totally shut down another opposition TV station! YAY ME! Partay tonight! lolzers!

Twit No. 7: I wonder if I could get Justin Bieber's number! He's, like, awesomeeee!!!!