Colorado jury awards $15M to trucker who slipped

GREELEY, Colo. – A Colorado jury has awarded $15 million to a truck driver who said she slipped and fell on ice and grease while making a delivery to a Walmart in Greeley.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. tells the Greeley Tribune that it's considering appealing the award for 41-year-old Holly Averyt of Cheyenne, Wyo., which a jury ordered Friday.

Her lawyer, Gregory Gold, says it could be one of the highest such verdicts in the country.

Gold presented city documents showing that some grease from the store's deli didn't get trapped in a device designed to keep it from getting into the sewer. He said Averyt had to undergo three spine surgeries, was unable to return to work and lost her truck.

A Wal-Mart spokesman said the company respectfully disagrees with the verdict.


Information from: Greeley Daily Tribune,


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
15 Million....... I should expect they would appeal that. That's a waste of the courts time, IMO.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Damnit I was crossing my fingers for banana peel!


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Banana peel, huh? Hmmmm....there's a Wal-Mart not far from my house. :elaugh:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Nobody likes wal mart.
We don't have wal mart in my country and even i don't like mal wart.


She had some serious injuries, according to the report it was around $500,000... Ok, so give her 1 million. Done.
We do have Wal-Mart in the UK, it's called ASDA over here. Seeing as it's getting very cold here when the ice starts appearing I think I'll visit my local ASDA, wearing my slippers! I only want £1.45 million :elaugh:
Speak for yourself. I freaking love WalMart.

And take a look at Forbes' richest list. Judging by the net worth of the Walton family, seems pretty obvious that several people like WalMart, contrary to your assertion.
Christy Walton alone is worth $22.5b, and is the 12th richest person in the world. Maybe no one likes WalMart, but everyone sure as hell seems to shop there.

If Sam was still alive a few years ago, he would have been twice as rich as the current richest (Gates) at that time. It's really astounding if you think about it. I totally respect Walton for being self made, but I can't agree with the liking Walmart part. Used to, but not anymore. I think the thing when they were to have found to hire illegals really left a foul memory in my craw. Give me Target any day.
If Sam was still alive a few years ago, he would have been twice as rich as the current richest (Gates) at that time. It's really astounding if you think about it. I totally respect Walton for being self made, but I can't agree with the liking Walmart part. Used to, but not anymore. I think the thing when they were to have found to hire illegals really left a foul memory in my craw. Give me Target any day.

I certainly agree with that leaving a sour taste in your mouth. But, living in southern California, if I were to refuse to shop at stores that hired illegal immigrants, I'd be pretty hard pressed to get any shopping done at all. Therefore, I shop at WalMart. Open 24/7 and pretty much anything you need, at low prices.
Maybe no one likes WalMart, but everyone sure as hell seems to shop there.

Just because something has become a necessary evil to a lot of people on a practice level doesn't mean they like it. I think the world would be better off without places like WalMart.
I really don't like the wal mart here. Though when I got to the states it's a totally different story. The chain is much better in the states than here.