who thought that might happen
we could entice iran to punish their crying trump hating- media controversy agitator talking heads
I guess cnn is lying then meester
Fuck CNN.
Who in their cotton pickin mind would believe a word they say at this point?
They have ZERO credibility.
Iran is not our enemy. But CNN is.
who do you hate worse cnn or irans govt
as long as we are on CNN
what do you think of Fareed Zakaria-gps
global public square on sundays
I cant get fox so my news is msnbc or cnn
I assume you hate msnbc is it worse that cnn
I got tired of everybody ratcheting up the words trump said and making a BIG controversy so they could discuss it for 2 days with 30 panels of guest paid talking heads.
actually its this or they start looking for mh370 again
who thought that might happen
Can we have a link please?
Thank you in advance.
http://www.weeklystandard.comThe report documented that Iran had amassed more than 130 metric tons of heavy water, a material used in the production of weapons-grade plutonium, breaching a limit set by the deal.
The IAEA report said that Iran was roughly one-tenth of a metric ton over the 130 metric ton limit.
We're making progress that's good.CNN lies/promotes
Iran kills people
We're making progress that's good.
2 questions.
CNN lies and promotes what?
Think about it. Most of those things they promote do kill.
And who is Iran killing? Who are they even attacking?
Maybe study into Iran a little more. You may find its not some desert country filled with radical Muslims screaming Allah is great.
I'm no expert and Ive never been there. I'm sure there are bad things about Iran but I think the picture that's been created is not even close to realty.
[...] I'm no expert and Ive never been there. I'm sure there are bad things about Iran but I think the picture that's been created is not even close to realty.