Since I celebrate Hannukuh, not a Christmas-like holiday at all, I am very weary of all the grinning idiots who tell me Merry Christmas and never ask if I celebrate the holiday.
I used to work at a Hallmark (HA HA) and people would always give me dirty looks if I said "Merry Christmas", even if they were buying CHRISTMAS products. They could be buying wrapping paper with CHRISTMAS trees on it, CHRISTMAS cards (etc), and some people would still get upset with me if I said "Merry CHRISTMAS", as if I was offending them by assuming they celebrated Christmas (even though they were buying CHRISTMAS products :dunno
. But, I do understand your side of the story.
Now, I'm not religious and I honestly don't give a shit why or if people celebrate Christmas at all, but, allow me to give you an idea of what it's like on the
other side of this debate...
People who celebrate Christmas and practice a religion that recognizes Christmas feel the same exact way when people say shit like "Happy Holidays". Saying "Happy Holidays" is just another way of saying "I don't
practice YOUR religion, and I'm not going to
acknowledge YOUR religion, so I'm going to let you know that I don't practice YOUR relgion by saying 'Happy Holidays' and not 'Merry Christmas' ..."
Personally, I think people get waaaaay too offended over this shit and people need to just shut the fuck up and get over it. It's very trivial and juvenile to even care about this, you know? Not you personally, but people in general. We need to just shut up and deal with it. So what if you don't celebrate Christmas? Saying "Merry Christmas" isn't pushing a religion on you; it's wishing you well. It's a common expression that people take too seriously. I mean, if I practiced some ancient form of religion that followed their own calendar that only had 5 days per week, wouldn't it seem a little ridiculous for me to get mad if someone said to me, "have a good weekend?"
"BUT I DON'T CELEBRATE WEEKENDS!!! HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THAT I DO!!!" It's a stupid analogy and I'll acknowledge that, but the whole "Merry Christmas" thing is just as ridiculous.
:2 cents: