Christine O'Donnell Suggests That God Wants Her to Be Elected

She's a candidate. And a candidate on either side will say anything to get elected. We've seen that many times.

Change, yes we can!

Yes, whatever your party affiliation is or isn't, it's very important to be a well informed citizen by paying close attention to these power hungry elitists, what they are saying and doing rather than sitting back and watching history repeat itself by being apathetic like Germany's citizens who witnessed the rise of Hitler
Really? Cause the magic fairies that live in my basement told me to vote for Alf. :dunno:

Screw it. I don't live in Delaware anyway.



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The 14th century called, they want their idea back...
I'm glad she has a pipeline to the Almighty, but what god in his or her right mind would want this dingbat in public office?


My Penis Is Dancing!
Maybe it's this god thing that told her in 2006 that China is going to invade.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Provocative, yet limp.

The almighty can't have a vagina. If He had a vagina we'd all want to fuck him, not worship him.

Wait. What in the purple fucking pope am I talking about?

I worship women. You have to if you wanna get ya end away, innit geeza?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
What's ironic is that the religion she preaches has stories that tell the dangers of people trying to speak for God. (Yet people like her, the churches, and the elite all over the world still seem to do it anyhow, so go figure.)
People who hear voices used to be sent to a mental hospital. Now they run for political office. This is progress?
You would think that an omnipotent and omniscient being would do a better job than they way it is running that cluster fuck of an election. The least it could have done was burn a couple of tapes here and there. I mean, it can burn a bush, but it can't burn a fucking disk with her talking about mice?

True. What's the point in him WANTING her to be elected if he already knows, or controls, the outcome!
Fox News cued Teabaggers into referring to Obama as the Messiah but I have noticed that some extremist right wing politicians are the one's who tend to have Messianic complexes more often than liberal politicians while on the campaign trail :rolleyes:

Are you a journalist HR? Because you should spin so much fucking shit around here it makes me dizzy.....I only wish you were in front of me when I fucking hurl.
People who hear voices used to be sent to a mental hospital. Now they run for political office. This is progress?

Ouch. Good point.

Not only is this state of affairs will only get worse unless the U.S. political system is radically changed.

The Govt that the Founding Fathers created does not function for the people anymore.

Christine O'Donnell is truly the most idiotic person ever to win a major party's nomination. The GOP isn't even trying to find good candidates anymore. They're looking for attractive celeb puppets that their male voter base want to fantasize about having sex with...

Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, the Gov candidate for South Carolina (Nikki somebody), Christine O'Donnell...what do these women have in common besides terrible political ideas?

Hint... :love-smi: