Chris Matthews: 'I Forgot Obama Was Black for an Hour'


I watch that state of the union thing online there recently and I was just blown away by his oratory skills. And pre election campaigning one of the things said was he had no experience, Man someone must of coached him for that dung lulz.
There isn't an issue here. :dunno: Matthews didn't say anything wrong. There might be a whiff of white narcissism a little...but that's as far as I'll go.

We are not living in a post-racial America. Has everyone forgotten the Boston Police/Professor debacle already?
I watch that state of the union thing online there recently and I was just blown away by his oratory skills. And pre election campaigning one of the things said was he had no experience, Man someone must of coached him for that dung lulz.

That's funny. I heard quite a few bright people on television and radio news said it put them to sleep. :)

There isn't an issue here. :dunno: Matthews didn't say anything wrong. There might be a whiff of white narcissism a little...but that's as far as I'll go.


I was going to say that this isn't a big deal either, but Mathews is just such a wingnut I thought I'd post it. I honestly think it (the racial element in all of this) is WAY more an issue to people like Mathews than it is even remotely to anyone in a place like Fox news. :2 cents:


Har de fucking har har are you implying I am not bright....Well your right I dont glow.
There isn't an issue here. :dunno: Matthews didn't say anything wrong. There might be a whiff of white narcissism a little...but that's as far as I'll go.

We are not living in a post-racial America. Has everyone forgotten the Boston Police/Professor debacle already?

PS: Tell me had Hannity said this the media would not have cut his nuts off and fed them to him. That was another reason I thought I'd post the article.
Can you imagine If O'Reilly or Hannity had made this comment? What a maroon.
Hannity would've said something more inflammatory and he would've brought it upon himself:tongue::thefinger;)

Someone like Matthews who remembered 1960s, Black Panthers, the Klan and many other racially-charged events in life and politics was simply trying to say that it felt great to not have the whiff of race anywhere in the "air"...

..of course Obama was speaking in front of a 99% white crowd....:rolleyes:

We are still living in a country where race matters. We have a long way to go before everyone is treated equally.
Hannity would've said something more inflammatory and he would've brought it upon himself:tongue::thefinger;)

Someone like Matthews who remembered 1960s, Black Panthers, the Klan and many other racially-charged events in life and politics was simply trying to say that it felt great to not have the whiff of race anywhere in the "air"...

..of course Obama was speaking in front of a 99% white crowd....:rolleyes:

We are still living in a country where race matters. We have a long way to go before everyone is treated equally.

So instead of just owning up to the fact that Matthews made a racist comment, you decide to speculate on how Hannity would have said something?
Same old double standard with you libs. You can have a former Klansman within your party as a influential Senator, yet a Republican Senator praises a colleague and he has to resign as Majority leader. Yeah right!:thefinger


I was responding to Bloody, not you, fwiw...

Did I just read ittybittytitties tell Blue Countach that he shouldn't respond to a lame, pathetic-attempt-at-excuse-making post 'cause it was a response to BloodshotScott, and none of his bizness?!?!?!:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

As they say in HymieTown*...what chutzpah!!!:eek:

* [to quote the great Black orator Jesse Jackson]


Postal Paranoiac
Not overly surprised. Prez was extending an open hand. Maybe he mistook this for an executive washroom handshake.
Someone like Matthews who remembered 1960s, Black Panthers, the Klan and many other racially-charged events in life and politics was simply trying to say that it felt great to not have the whiff of race anywhere in the "air"...

So he had to go and shit all over it and stink up the "air".........nice. ;)

Oh, by the way Mr. looked really good up there tonight. I almost didn't even notice that big zit you've got on your chin.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'd like to forget that he's the President, period. What a colossal fuck-up he's been thus far...


Hiliary 2020
I watch that state of the union thing online there recently and I was just blown away by his oratory skills. And pre election campaigning one of the things said was he had no experience, Man someone must of coached him for that dung lulz.
man he doesnt have any experience, a community orginizer and an almost absentee senator, he never ran anything.
just because someone can speak comfortably in front of a crowd dooesnt equate to experience at all.
perhaps experience bullshitting

Did I just read ittybittytitties tell Blue Countach that he shouldn't respond to a lame, pathetic-attempt-at-excuse-making post 'cause it was a response to BloodshotScott, and none of his bizness?!?!?!:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

As they say in HymieTown*...what chutzpah!!!:eek:

* [to quote the great Black orator Jesse Jackson]

hymie town? yeah that was pretty bad. seriously.
and you thought I didnt like jews

I'd like to forget that he's the President, period. What a colossal fuck-up he's been thus far...
lets not make excuses for chris, i mean when did he ever give "his opposition" a break?
what he said was literally was " wow, that was pretty good for a black guy".
slip of the tongue, true feelings emerged.
lets not make excuses for chris, i mean when did he ever give "his opposition" a break?
what he said was literally was " wow, that was pretty good for a black guy".
slip of the tongue, true feelings emerged.

Chris comes off as some smarmy fat prick who'd walk to the other side of the street if he saw a group of black youth approaching him on the sidewalk. He's probably never befriended a black person his entire life, so there's this guilt complex, you know? Fucking pussy. And here I thought the Irish were the toughest whites all this time. :rofl:

* I know, Chris does not represent you true "fighting" Irish ;) *


Hiliary 2020
We are still living in a country where race matters. We have a long way to go before everyone is treated equally.

tits you ignorant slut
(joking of course, youre not a slut)
no debate here, i just think everyone is treated equal in the USA today
(not the newspaper).
treated in the action verb sense.
hell i actually thinks non whites are treated better in many situations, actually i know it.

thought of? well thats different.
every individual in every race ect has their own thoughts and perceptions regarding race, color sex ect........sometimes these thoughts are warranted, sometimes predjudiced, sometimes a little of both.

this is never gonna go away unless every person becomes exactly the same, which aint gonna happen in our lifetimes.

I mean am I right or am I right!