I think some people need to go back to law school for a refresher course on entrapment (ohhhh, you never went to law school? My bad! How did I not realize that FACT? Ha ha ha!). Sorry, law enforcement may provide you the opportunity to commit a crime (lead you to water if you will)...they just can not engage in egregious behavior to cause you to actually commit it (make you drink if you will). The case of the Assistant DA in Texas was a bit different.....as they went to his house when he did not actually go to the house for the meet (by tracing his IP address). However, in most every case, they "predators" not only engaged in the behavior online.....BUT, they also actually took the step to go to the place for an in person "meeting"! Come on....by legal definition....that IS NOT entrapment!!!! Soooo, in the name of intellectual honesty.....stop saying it is....especially when, either you are clueless as to what you are talking about....or you are intentionally trying to be dishonest in an effort to get a response from those who know what's what. By the way.....I took courses in Constitutional Law in college (Penn State).....and I got A's in ALL of my law courses....so take what I say for what it is.
I would point out that they found lots of porn, including child pornography on the computers of the Asst. DA in Texas who killed himeself.....so let's not pretend that the guys who got caught (they cancelled future productions of the show btw) aren't the creeps that they are. It is cheesy...sensationalized tv....and basically garbage? OF COURSE! Did law enforcement handle the issue with the Asst. DA in Texas that killed himself just for limelight, attention, and in an attempt to sensationalize it? OF COURSE again. BUT, let's not lose sight of the fact as to who the REAL bad guys are in those stings! Fortunately there wasn't actually a child at the house when the creeps got there.....because we know what would have happened if it weren't a sting and there was a real CHILD involved! Think about that!
Further, even to play devil's advocate and assume that they (The Perverted Justice decoys) instigated the contact online (of course the creep had to make the effort to actually go to the house on their own), nobody made them engage in the online conversation. I mean, what would any of us do if we were in a chat room and we got a PM from someone claiming to be a 13-14 yr old girl and the girl started making sexual comments? Any NORMAL adult male would put them on ignore right from the get go. Then again I said NORMAL!
Bottom line....for those who are ignorant enough of the law to believe it is entrapment.....I've got a few words of advice for you: DON'T COMMIT A FUCKING CRIME!!!!!! Geeees!!!! If you don't do the crime....then you don't have to do the time! DUH!!!!! Nobody MAKES you COMMIT the CRIME!!!! And in cases where the behavior is egregious on the part of law enforcement....and yes that does happen too....then there is often a finding of entrapment & the charges are dropped. But, like I said, simply providing someone with an OPPORTUNITY to engage in CRIMINAL behavior......IS NOT entrapment!