They invented spaghetti. And finger traps.
I don't know why everybody's making a fuss about this. According to Jesse Ventura, we have technology (HAARP) that can create earthquakes and tsunamis all across the globe. Jet fighters, schmet fighters, American can move tectonic plates!!
Jesse Ventura wouldn't lie, you know.
They didn't invent spaghetti did they? I thought it was the Italians?
Every advanced military in the world has copy somebody else at some point in time when somebody else had an advantage, even the U.S. It would be stupid not to. As long as an entity isn't at war or won't be soon why not let somebody else do all the expensive development when you can probably easily steal it from them later and save massive amounts of time and cost?
The americans copied the following military things:
Jets for jet fighters (gift from the British)
Tanks (British invention)
Rifles (Forget who invented them, but they were around before america, ergo, copied.
Commander's cupbolas in tanks (copied from the Russians)
Tanks powered soley by turbine engines (T80 was the first)
The M8 assault rifle is a H&K design.
The vertical lift system for the F35 originally appeared on the Soviet Yak141 project.
The Harrier jump jet operated by the marines was originally called the Kestrel; a joint development between Britain and East Germany. the design later evolved into the marines' harrier.
Chaff (British)
Radar (British)
Designated Marksmans rifles (DM14) (Soviet Union)
Off boresight targetting of WVR missiles (Soviet Union. Before the americans had this tech the MiG29 would've beaten american fighters in dogfights
There are more but I feel I've presented more than enough.
I hate to be a bummer, but the idea of future military superiority is dwindling. When we're ready to sell the Saudis scores of our top fighters, what will we be willing to sell China as our dependence on their consumption of Treasury Bonds grows?
Not to mention that poor nations like N. Korea are on their way to nuclear ICBMs and technologically rich allied nations like South Korea and Japan are developmentally stagnant in terms to defense technology thanks to our military presence.
I think it's careless to call China the third world these days. We should remember that Russia lost a war to the Japanese in 1905. Ten years later they were the USSR. 25 years after that they were an atomically armed super power that led to a decades-long Cold War. It doesn't take centuries for a super power to emerge. We're the best example of that.
You don't have much military supremacy at current.
You've sold the Saudis some good stuff alread (F15s)
The chinese are already copying your military technology. One of Lockheed Martins chinese engineers gave some secret info on f22 over to china.
N. Korea can cause global nuclear winter simply by detonating a nuke over their own soil. So I hear.
As far as what bscott says, he's been getting his info from the military channel, so you can't trust it. Lets not forget that when the future weapons program reviewed the marines new amphibious assault vehicle it gave it the full on propoganda treatment while failing to mention that it could only swim to shore
If you wanna partake in an asssault on a defended beach without armour, you're mad.
He talks of the amount you spend on defense, he doesn't know that you pay that to manufacturers for shit products. Why do the generals pay so much for shit military products? Because after they "retire" from the military they "go to work" for the same military suppliers who gave you shit products like Stryker and they do no work, but they do get 7 figure salaries...
idiot said:
Our entire airforce is going to have stealth technology, if it doesn't already.
He doesn't realise that the airforce isn't already stealth, so you can safely ignore his military opinion.