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True Amateur Models
Approved Content Owner
Name: Mikki from
Age: 25
Employment: X-Treme Music Records
Height: 5' 05
Pictures: 800 High Resolution Pictures

My name is Mikki and I am 25 years old. I've never done nude modeling before, and I have never done any sort of pornography scenes either. I'm just a regular girl that came into contact with a photographer guy named Ray at a Heavy Metal concert the other night. Ray was standing close to me in the crowd, and I remember seeing him standing behind me, but I really didn't think much about it. I wanted to buy another beer, so I walked over to the bar to order a drink. That's when I noticed Ray following me, but I still didn't think much about it. However, when he offered to buy me a drink, I gladly accepted his offer! I mean, I don't make much money working at the music store because we specialize in selling old school Metal and Punk albums, and of course, not many people buy records anymore! But it is a cool job and my boss is a Heavy Metal / Punk Rock fan, so we have a lot in common with each other. It didn't take Ray very long to start discussing his amateur modeling shoots with me, and at first, I wasn't sure if I should go naked on the internet or not. I just wouldn't want for my family and friends to see my nude pictures. That would be highly embarrassing.

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photo above used from the gallery


True Amateur Models
Approved Content Owner
Name: Dee from
Age: 19
Height: 5' 04
Employment: Punk Rock Musician
Pictures: 560 High Resolution Pictures!

My name is Dee and I sing in a punk rock band. We were playing last weekend at a nightclub and that is where I met Ray. The band was playing real hard and we were all very hot and sweaty. I couldn't wait to go outside to cool down, so during our break, I stepped outside and saw this guy walking up towards the entrance door. He looked over at me and then hesitated for a second before walking through the entrance door and then walked over towards me. The guy that I saw was Ray. He started talking to me about the bands that were playing that night and it didn't take very long before he started talking to me about his site too. He asked me if I would be interested in doing nude modeling and I really wasn't interested at all. To make a long story short, I spoke to Ray some more after the show and after thinking it over for a few days, I contacted him to set up a shoot! It was actually a lot of fun and I am glad that I did the shoot. Although, my band members were pissed at me after finding out. David (the drummer) kept telling me that I may have screwed up my music career by doing that. Yeah, whatever David. I can do whatever I want to do. I just hope that the guys in my band are not jerking off to my pictures! That would be quite embarrassing.

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photo above used from the gallery