Chasey Lain

An old favorite!!!


Postal Paranoiac
You need to check out Black and White 2. She takes a great facial from Mr. Marcus.

I have access to that video if anyone's interested. PM me. Meanwhile HERE are some screen shots from it. :)
has she done any more besides that one and a few others?
Re: Chasey Lain new pics

Wow- she's looking rough these days... She's more nasty (I noticed she'll take facials now), but a lot more thin.


I have to say yep, she used to be really hot and she had real tits for awhile but now she's got em fake and it looks not good

:2 cents:


Re: Chasey Lain new pics

This would be no surprise for any pornstar or model. Not that all of them are like this, but it sure wouldn't surprise me. With Chasey, especially given how her career *used* to be, this is really not a surprise at all- unfortunately, while she still thinks she is received as she once was, the rest of us are observing a different Chasey.

The "rode hard- put away wet" version.

It makes me sad...
