You know what pisses me off? Trolls, people that go around looking for the pettiest shit they can get their grubby little keyboard clicking hands on and making a big fuckin deal out of it just to look cool to all the other self hating toughgeeks on the board. Who are you, Webster? You really need to get a grip if the misuse of a word upsets you that much. That goes for all the assholes around here who's sole purpose is to make other peoples experiences miserable. Piss off. I'm here to have some fun.
Yeah, because that's what calpoon does all the time... What is your problem? You were the one talking like a smartass. And when somebody debunks your talk as "half-true" or wrong, you explode and start to gravely insult that user (and other users you claim behave the same way). How about you get a grip if you getting corrected conflicts that much with your self-perception that you immediately have to turn to oral violence. Jesus Christ...
I agree with you on the Justified and FX comment however. Great show on a great channel. And a nice ex-wife.
Facacta? Don't tell me that means "verkackte"?Really? I may have to start watching that facacta show now.
Concerning the topic:
In my opinion, censorship of the media is in most cases a pretty bad and sometimes even farcical or pathetic tool in a democracy. A true democracy doesn't need this kind of censorship. And this concerns self-censorship by conservative tv stations as well as governmental censorship. Most cases of censorship in the private and the governmental sector are interdependent anyhow. If a tv station doesn't follow the moral code of a permanently self-censoring Christian coalition or the reccomendations of some absurd government agency, they either get sued or fined or their material gets seized or anything like that. Fascist crap, if you ask me. Especially if you do it like the Nazis. Violence is fine, but no sex or cursewords, no no no no!