"Do you know how hard it is to put on a bathing suit and not have boobs? (Laughs) I struggled forever and still do. I have to remind myself having big boobs doesn’t define me being a woman. This is what I was given. It took me a long time to accept and love them after being teased about them, forever. Everybody gets teased for things and picked apart. And that was mine. I want to be the girl who doesn't have boobs, is comfortable putting on a bikini, and still feels like a complete woman! See I struggle, too."
"Oh I have tried gaining weight to increase my bra size and that trick didn’t work! Now, I know it just is what it is. It's accepting whatever we are given. It's not that I don’t feel insecure sometimes. It's not like one day you just accept yourself and then that’s it. We constantly have forces to fight. It's about communicating with each other, self talk, knowing you are NOT alone and having really great support."
gabby logan "So at first I wasn’t really embracing the changes, and thinking “oh no, I want to keep looking like this”. And I don’t know why I worried, I was never going to get big boobs, and I was never going to be that curvy, nobody in my family is really. "