Save energy. Save money. Save Lives! I would like to offer an easy solution to accomplish this task: Don’t sell cold beer!
Grocery stores, convenience stores, drug stores, liquor stores and any other establishments selling beer should unplug all their beer coolers — instant energy savings!
Canned and bottled beer does not have to be kept cold in the stores, but cold beer does boost sales. On your next grocery visit, compare the refrigerated space allotted for beer and the refrigerated space allotted for milk or even soft drinks.
Do you see coolers full of your favorite cola? Amazing how many six-packs and cases of beer are cold and ready to drink as soon as purchased. Just start the car and pop a top.
If you want a cold cola, look for the vending machine in front of the store.
Next, imagine the money that insurance companies would save. Damage to vehicles caused by drunk drivers is costly.
Most importantly, fewer innocent lives would be lost in drunk-driving accidents. Police officers would work fewer drunk-driving accidents.
We might see a reduction in our insurance premiums. Litter on our roadways and yards would be reduced.
Let folks take the beer home, refrigerate it at home and throw their empties in their own trash cans.
Let’s do everything we can to remove drinking adults from our roads.
Additionally, we do not want teenagers drinking and driving. Perhaps the thought of drinking a beer at room temperature will delay that first drink.
Yes, it’s illegal for them to buy, but somehow beer finds its way into teenagers’ hands. Aren’t our families’ lives worth every effort on our part to keep them safe?
Come on, stores, who will be the first to step up and pull the plug on beer?
Th' slimey progressives just don't know when to stop !