Castrate ourselves while we're at it :hammer:


Save energy. Save money. Save Lives! I would like to offer an easy solution to accomplish this task: Don’t sell cold beer!

Grocery stores, convenience stores, drug stores, liquor stores and any other establishments selling beer should unplug all their beer coolers — instant energy savings!

Canned and bottled beer does not have to be kept cold in the stores, but cold beer does boost sales. On your next grocery visit, compare the refrigerated space allotted for beer and the refrigerated space allotted for milk or even soft drinks.

Do you see coolers full of your favorite cola? Amazing how many six-packs and cases of beer are cold and ready to drink as soon as purchased. Just start the car and pop a top.

If you want a cold cola, look for the vending machine in front of the store.

Next, imagine the money that insurance companies would save. Damage to vehicles caused by drunk drivers is costly.

Most importantly, fewer innocent lives would be lost in drunk-driving accidents. Police officers would work fewer drunk-driving accidents.

We might see a reduction in our insurance premiums. Litter on our roadways and yards would be reduced.

Let folks take the beer home, refrigerate it at home and throw their empties in their own trash cans.

Let’s do everything we can to remove drinking adults from our roads.

Additionally, we do not want teenagers drinking and driving. Perhaps the thought of drinking a beer at room temperature will delay that first drink.

Yes, it’s illegal for them to buy, but somehow beer finds its way into teenagers’ hands. Aren’t our families’ lives worth every effort on our part to keep them safe?

Come on, stores, who will be the first to step up and pull the plug on beer?

Th' slimey progressives just don't know when to stop ! :D / :mad:
It is a legit point. Even when you buy beer that's been in a cooler, it's warm by the time you get it home anyway. The off-licence I usually use just stacks beer on the shelf unchilled, under the assumption that you're going to chill it when you get home with it.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
As a frugal shopper, I always buy beer warm and refrigerate it later. Why in the blue hell would I pay extra for something that I can easily do myself? I wouldn't be opposed to any of the suggestions above, but I'm sure you'd upset quite a few other people...
Build a few more nuclear power plants. I demand cold beer.

(Really, I'm in favour of building more nuclear power plants. Nice new modern ones. Breeder reactors, stuff like that.)
I just blame it all on ....the 'credit crunch':D

(yeah, even the demise of Penthouse/Playboy - sales :1orglaugh. They should be in cooler cabinet).


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Whats next? Cold beer is essential, if they do this then the terrorists win.
Thats what it's like in the UK, yeh some places do have fridges for alcohol but its far more common to see it all sitting on shelves, especially in supermarkets.
They need to weight the lives that could saved to the millions of lives that would be lost when vast riots pop up when people start going insane from the lack of the availability of cold beer. :1orglaugh

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
As a frugal shopper, I always buy beer warm and refrigerate it later. Why in the blue hell would I pay extra for something that I can easily do myself? I wouldn't be opposed to any of the suggestions above, but I'm sure you'd upset quite a few other people...

I don't know where in the hell you're from...but in Ohio, the price of beer does not go up, if it's cold.

If states want to save energy, they should cut down on the amount of energy used in prisons. Make lights out at 7pm. No use of radios, TV's, or lights of any kind by prisoners. The politicians could car pool. Maybe a bus that picks all of them up.

As far as drinking and'll never stop it. It's sad, and a stupid thing to do, but people do stupid things, it is what it is. They will drink at a bar, or a party and drive home, or go to the store for more when they run out. Teens don't care either, they want a drunk, not a refreshing tasty beverage. My friends and I used to get Boones Farm wine...or Mad Dog 20/ wasn't cold, and we still chugged it. The side of the road will always be littered, because people are inconsiderate. I know there are empty beer containers on the side of every road, but they make up a pretty small percentage of all of the trash, so it will always be there. Cops will always work accidents, because to many people can't put down their cell phones, or news papers, or make up kits. I see it all everyday. You would be amazed at the number of people I see rifling through briefcases, with a phone tucked between their shoulder and cheek. Or some chick with a make up kit in her lap, applying eye liner in her rear view mirror, while doing 65 in the hammer lane. I won't even tell you how many people I see with a beer between their legs, or smoking a bowl...OR BOTH!

The fact is, when I'm on my way from home Friday, and I feel like a couple of beers, I don't want to wait 2 hours for them to get cold, I want to crack one as soon as I'm in the house. I worked hard all week, I shouldn't have to wait because some people are too stupid to know right from wrong.

Will E Worm

Canned and bottled beer does not have to be kept cold in the stores, but cold beer does boost sales. On your next grocery visit, compare the refrigerated space allotted for beer and the refrigerated space allotted for milk or even soft drinks.

Beer doesn't have to be refrigerated, just milk and drinks like them.
Stop making it easy to drink and drive.

Wine isn't refrigerated or "chilled."
Pop isn't refrigerated either.

Stop wasting energy.
It's illegal to drink while you drive. :hatsoff:



what the fuck you lookin at?
they better keep the fuckin beer cold! Then its ready to drink quicker when you get to your destination. I can't count the number of times I've had to stop and pick up a case on the way to a party cause I forgot to do it earlier. I only buy cold when doing it that way so I can drink as soon as I get there.

I don't drink hard liquor anymore, so cold beer is a life line for me!
So since they are going to be saving the environment and cutting down the costs, that means the beer will be cheaper, right?

...yeah, I didn't think so.

what the guy who wrote the piece fails to realize is that this kind of service is a way to promote sales and the amount of extra revenue that it generates surpasses the cost of the energy that it uses, otherwise the companies wouldn't do it.

If they had never done it, such as in Europe where it's normal for people to drink beverages at room temperature, then it wouldn't be a problem. But if they changed it now then it would hurt sales and cost them much more money then they are spending now.

It's an interesting idea, but not very well thought out.

the biggest problem with energy is that you have to pay for it. If it was free, then by all means regulate precisely how much people can use. but since I'm paying for it, I should be able to use as much as I want to and can pay for.
See, we Europeans like our drinks cold too. I've no idea where that myth comes from. But we chill stuff ourselves, and buy it at room temp, cause there's no point buying it chilled, getting it home while it warms up, then chilling it again.