There might be a few select individuals here or there that are still making out, but in no way is porn as a whole doing well, not even remotely. I don't know how you could even think that. Not to be mean, but if you think otherwise you must either have an opinion that is vastly different than the overwhelming number of people in the industry today for some reason, you must be in a niche that hasn't been hit as bad and never experienced much out of it, or you don't know what your talking about. Maybe if somebody is one of the small handful of women that has a solo site with a frantically loyal fanbase they might still be alright. Some of the first big sites to switch over to an internet based distribution system, like Brazzers, might be ok for now or at least doing better than other people (although I've also heard some nefarious things about them also.) Almost everybody in it is making much less than years ago and a lot of them are even struggling to stay afloat. The women in it aren't making as much as in the past either. I've heard shocking amounts about how low the rates are that some relatively big name people are taking for jobs now.
As far as things being shady, both business wise and behind the scenes, I stand by my comments. There is too much stuff that has come out to even begin denying it. While there might be some people, companies, or niches where it's relatively good on the whole it's pretty bad. As far as businesswise it's even worse than that. A great many porners would kick their own mother to the ground if they though they could make an extra dollar off of it. Backstabbing in the industry and looking out for yourself above the interest of the industry is par for the course, and while there is scum in pretty much any job or industry a person might get into, there are more losers, slimebags, users, cheats, flakes, druggies, cold hearted ruthlessness, exploiters, people that have a vendetta against somebody else in the industry, unethical people, or people that are nihilistic or borderline sociopaths than in pretty much any industry I can think of short of hardcore drug dealing.