Car-Hacking, the Crime of the Future?

Scary Shit:
Sticking accelerator pedals were just the beginning. Soon you might lose control of your car not because of a technical failure, but because someone hacked into it from afar.

Tomorrow at a security conference in California, Stefan Savage and his team will present their research showing how they used the computer systems that oversee different systems in a car to break in and take control—braking and accelerating against the driver’s will.

The researchers concentrated their attacks on the electronic control units (ECUs) scattered throughout modern vehicles which oversee the workings of many car components. It is thought that modern vehicles have about 100 megabytes of binary code spread across up to 70 ECUs [BBC News].
The software Savage’s team created, called CarShark, took advantage of the fact that ECUs must communicate between different systems. Electronic Stability Control, for instance, must talk to the brakes, accelerators, and wheels; Active Cruise Control and systems that parallel park the car for you also rely on communication across many systems. The team inserted fake packets of data into the lines of communication to seize control of a car, Savage says.

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Now who would have thought connecting a cars parts to computers and the net wouldn't have the risk of that. No one ever has problems with their at home computers because of hacked. Doesn't this seem like something they should have thought about before now.
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'That's why I don't eat shrimp' ('Mega hasn't lost his mind..if you know the origin of the know what it implies.):tongue:


The kook-fringe conspiracy theory they said could n-e-v-e-r happen in 10 million years apparently has come to fruition! :glugglug: Who knew? :dunno:

Great Article !


You can hack almost anything. Just the other day I hacked the robot standing outside in my front yard and now he's my sex toy. I mean she. Yes, of course she. No one will notice anyways.

Lol, hacking is so easy nowadays that even script kiddies the age of 11 can get into anything. I think one of the youngest world hackers was like 14 or 15.
Just hearing things makes me think of "Ghost in the Shell". Having your car hacked? Seriously!? I think the mob just found a new way to have people whacked without anyone being none the wiser.
Shit...they figured this out already?? This was a perfect way to get rid of..."obstacles" in my job as a hitma.....uh...consultant ;) :tongue:
Control Systems v. Entertainment inter-networks ...

Now who would have thought connecting a cars parts to computers and the net wouldn't have the risk of that. No one ever has problems with their at home computers because of hacked. Doesn't this seem like something they should have thought about before now.
They did.

Unfortunately, some companies just ignore the strict separation of inter-networking "control systems" from "entertainment." Microsoft Sync comes to mind. There are yet others.

Trust me, I've been a party to many morons in the financial and power industry that do not separate the two. Why? Cost, ignorance, many other factors.

The only industry that seems to always have a strict separation is the US military, and defense contractors that connect to them. The US military, and increasingly more of the federal government, recognize this.

Anyone remember the US aircraft carrier in the '90s that had to be towed back to port during a trial run because they put Microsoft Windows in charge of just some of its control systems for "integration"? ;)

The CANbus can still be hacked. People with cars from the Toyota Prius (like most hybrids) to the Chevrolet Corvette (GM's flagship software-based car, along with select Cadallacs) have been toying with the extensive CANbus units on these cars. As long as they keep entertainment off of the CANbus, it works.

Unfortunately, GM's OnStar requires access ... remote access. ;)
If lone hackers can do this, governments can as well.

Thankfully, the government would never do something so dubious and illegal. But, if the Tea Party Express bus crashes into the EIB Network head quarters, you'll think something smells fishy?

Seriously though, I think this opens up some interesting and dangerous argument in the near future. Besides the criminal potential. Imagine a proposal that all new cars have to have a police enabled remote shut off or something similar now that the technology has caught up to the paranoia. The debate over legal and Constitutional aspects alone would be a hell of a show to see.

Remember the privacy concerns about the proposed Oregon GPS-based Mileage Tax? Like Facetious said, all the things the kooks have been screaming about are steadily becoming reality. There was a time when the idea of being ticketed by a red light camera seemed like some delusions of a lunatic.
well i was searching for those leaked pics of carly rae jepsen and this came up. haha...I'm actually a mechanic and it took me over an hour the other day to start communicating with the vehicle's computers cause it's all garbage that doesnt work. So rest assured, in the time in takes for them to establish communication, write programs which would override the modules and allow you to do things even a mechanic can't do with a scan tool, your ECU will probably go offline on its own leaving you stranded. HAPPY DRIVING :)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
An old thread but a good thread. The issue that bothers me the most is the willingness of people to allow companies into their cars, in order to monitor their driving habits. The prospect of some pimply faced geek remotely locking my car and not allowing me back into it, unless I give him $100, really isn't a concern. I guess in this "Facebook/Twitter Generation" people are growing used to allowing every detail of what they're doing 365/24/7 to be known by all. I am not in that camp.

Here's a device offered by Progressive Insurance that I wouldn't let within 100 feet of me or my car. 30% discount after 30 days, my ass! My rates would likely double and I'd probably lose my license within the first week!

How Snapshot® Works
Plug a little device into your car and within 30 days, you could save up to 30% extra!

1) Plug in. The Snapshot device plugs easily into your car's diagnostic port (usually below the steering column) and automatically keeps track of your good driving. :)rofl2:)

2) Drive. Drive like you usually do for 30 days and go online to see your projected savings, as well as: how often you slam on the brakes; how many miles you drive; and how often you drive between midnight and 4 a.m.

3) Get a personalized rate. Any Snapshot discount you earn kicks in immediately. So, you can start saving right away! Then, you'll stay plugged in for five more months to set your ongoing renewal discount.

4) Cancel policy and call the State Police to have Mr. Leadfoot picked up!
Wow, that chick in the progressive commercial looks like she's gonna cut off my testicles. ba haha. No the really scary thing is those black boxes they install on some of the newer vehicles. It runs on a continuous ten second loop and if you're in a collision, it records the previous ten seconds leading up to the crash: how fast you were going, if you hit the brakes, if you were swerving etc. And it has been used in courts before:

Think ill start a business that removes those from the vehicle. haha