Can't find a job out of college? Sue your school!!


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Hmm, with this trend, maybe I can sue my parents for giving me life - which obviously hasn't turned out too well.

I will not comment. I will not comment. Damnit!!!! I will not comment!!! :1orglaugh
I'm gonna sue my college for NOT having found a job in porn...
It's kind of ridiculous.

.......Then again, with the amount of times I have heard about places of higher education exaggerating about how good they were to go to or other ways they were deceptive to get people to go to them I almost wouldn't feel sorry for them if somebody actually won their case against one. The fact that they are just another business first, a place that tries to influence politics to their liking second, a place that tries to beat other places in prestige third, (It's even sadder due to the fact as time goes on that prestige has more to do with athletics than actual knowledge.) and being a place of education and making their community, country, and world a better place last out of all their priorities all while milking huge amounts of money out of people doesn't make me feel any more sympathy for them either.
When I was in college, my program worked with a bunch of companies in Silicone Valley and guaranteed students of the computer science and electrical/computer engineering jobs straight out of school. I'm not altogether up on how many schools still offer that program, but especially now, I'd be doubtful they still exist.
people sue over the most stupidest shit now days
Sue, hell yes, I have a Masters in Marketing and I hate my job. Can I sue my college from 20 years ago? My dog is ugly can I sue the pound where i got him too?

Will E Worm

I say sue them all. There should be a placement program for whatever you major in.

If someone can't find a career in what the school taught them a full refund is in order.

Hmm, with this trend, maybe I can sue my parents for giving me life - which obviously hasn't turned out too well.

Sounds good. :D

Will E Worm

Could this ba a case of "Detrimental Reliance" ?

Detrimental reliance is a term commonly used to force another to perform their obligations under a contract, using the theory of promissory estoppel. Promissory estoppel may apply when the following elements are proven:

  • A Promise was made
  • Relying on the Promise was reasonable or foreseeable
  • There was actual and reasonable reliance on the Promise
  • The reliance was detrimental
  • Injustice can only be prevented by enforcing the Promise

It would make them responsible.
Something they should already be. :hatsoff:
Can I sue my college for helping ruin my liver with the amount of alcohol I consumed there too?
Geez, my investment in GM didn't work out too well I'm going to go sue my stockbroker for recommending that I buy GM stock.


^ X 5 : Thank You for clarifying that. :hatsoff:
A hypothetical : If the school promised this woman job placement following the successful completion of her education and the school failed to perform, is that detrimental reliance ?

Maybe if we all sued each other and got huge payouts this economic crisis would be over!

Isn't that exactly what this Presidency is about, "spreading the wealth around a little" ?

It's not working now and it will never work w/out breaking some major campaign promises, one being, "I will not raise income taxes on those who make less than $250,000.00" (annual income).

I get the jist of your message though. :D
The lawyer who take this case should be dis-barred, beaten, forced to dig a hole, shot, and covered up.
