Cannabis Decriminalization

Should cannabis be decriminalized?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 84.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 15.4%

  • Total voters


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Can't wait to hear the enlightened replies here...
I think it should be kept from being used for bad purposes, cannabis does have good purposes but if its in the wrong hands it can be deadly(I had a friend die from tainted marijuana) its criminal past is what destroys it rep.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Thank goodness for this movie, otherwise all our lil children would be smoking them Mary J. Wanna ciggyrets in Jazz clubs, gettin' raped and havin' mixed babies!

And I'd also like to give a big shout out to Dupont, Exxon and BP for the hard work they've done over the years to help us maintain our reliance on oil, rather than see us transition to switchgrass and hemp.

I raise my glass to big oil, and the American people... who year by year look more and more like chickens who devote their lives to the good health of Colonel Sanders.

I don't care if people smoke pot or not. I don't smoke it. But what you put in your body is nobody's business but your own. And to devote billions of dollars a year to this (make believe) war on drugs is just the most retarded waste of money that I can think of... outside of invading countries that are no threat to us or giving away billions to beggar countries that see us as their eternal sugar daddy.
Oh another thread about making marijuana legal...

Such a taboo and provocative thread! Never seen the likes of this on here. Nope.

Never in all my days.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I think it should be kept from being used for bad purposes, cannabis does have good purposes but if its in the wrong hands it can be deadly(I had a friend die from tainted marijuana) its criminal past is what destroys it rep.

How many people can you think of who have died from alcohol abuse or drunk driving? Probably more than just that one person who supposedly died from some tainted pot, I'm guessing? How many people do you know that have died from lung cancer because of smoking, dipping or chewing tobacco? :dunno:

I know a guy who's now blind because he drank some bad moonshine when we were in high school. Yeah, that was "illegal" liquor, but until a few years ago, you could still legally buy Ever Clear here. And everyday (especially this time of year), there are stories about people who leave parties after only having "a couple of beers" and kill a family in their mini-van.

So let's be honest, prior to 1937 or '38 (someone correct me if I have the date wrong), marijuana didn't have a "criminal past"... because it wasn't illegal to possess or grow hemp! This whole thing came about (ONLY) because paper and oil interests wanted to eliminate the competition. Reefer Madness was a propaganda movie. And that's all it was. But it was successfully used by the Federal government and American lemmings to send us down the road to Stupidville.


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Pssh...It doesn't matter what our founding fathers really supported. What matters is what today's politicians and talking heads claim the founding fathers supported, which is one nation under Christianity, corporate lobbyists, the abolition of marijuana/other drugs, and the privatization of social goods. God bless America.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Pssh...It doesn't matter what our founding fathers really supported. What matters is what today's politicians and talking heads claim the founding fathers supported, which is one nation under Christianity, corporate lobbyists, the abolition of marijuana/other drugs, and the privatization of social goods. God bless America.

In other words, we're fucked, huh?
Of course it should. The fact that we find it acceptable for the government to seize your property (fines) and or end your freedom by locking you up in a cage for deciding what temporary mental state you want to experience is disgusting.

Thankfully, things are changing in weird ways. Pat Robertson is now an outspoken supporter of decriminalization. AND, the majority of Bill O'Reilly's audience thinks he's a "patriot" for it. Pot is virtually legal in Cali and there's no spike in crime, related automobile accidents or noted "gateway" trends. The more and more people realize the truth and couple it with the fact that we are broke and sinking, the more it will become a non-issue.
legalize it , but treat it like alcohol. in fact restrict alcohol some more.

pot is not as safe as tobacco

Restrict alcohol more? If you drive drunk, therefor causing a public danger, you go to jail. Why "restrict" private behavior any further than that? Why do we accept that there are others who have authority over us even when we pose no threat to others?

Are you for "fuck police" who restrict unsafe sex that could prevent STDs, unwanted pregnancies and domestic abuse? How about fast food police, federal skate board regulators and an all-out ban on skydiving?
if people starting humping in my yard maybe we should police it.

but more should be done on alcohol to stop folks from peeing & puking in the streets at night.
My town has a night club area and puking is common occurance there. something gotta be done.

I`m not saying be as dry as fresno ,but somekind of improvement would be nice.
Sure, make it legal. That way people can openly and legally ruin their lives and get blitzed everyday. It may not be as harmful as alcohol or whatever, but the people who sit on their ass all day and get high are fucking themselves up.
if people starting humping in my yard maybe we should police it.

but more should be done on alcohol to stop folks from peeing & puking in the streets at night.
My town has a night club area and puking is common occurance there. something gotta be done.

I`m not saying be as dry as fresno ,but somekind of improvement would be nice.

Well that's more of a protection of property than private consumption regs. I'm with you there; when your vice impedes on the quality of life of others, let the hammer drop. But broad regulation only effects those who already abide by those standards. You cannot prevent drunkenness or intoxication by banning substances. But you can hinder abuse by targeting those who choose to be reckless.

We really have a problem in this nation (America). We go and ban shit, like 4 Loco, to ignore a problem. We think the regulations and bans somehow cure the disease. Hell, the Federal government has practically made it a sport.
Sure, make it legal. That way people can openly and legally ruin their lives and get blitzed everyday. It may not be as harmful as alcohol or whatever, but the people who sit on their ass all day and get high are fucking themselves up.

You really think that's a fair summarization of pot smokers?
Fair, no. Accurate, yes. All legalizing will do is turn the "every once in a while" smokers into "every waking moment" smokers.

So then you're saying that casual pot smokers are contained in their consumption bracket by legal risk, price and availability?

And this is evident by what statistic? Companies in Cali still have the authority to issue THC tests and fire users (even those with a medicinal prescription). I've yet to see any increased rate of firing due to California law or increase in rejected hirings due to positive THC tests.

This is a real head scratcher. Under your theory, we'd be a nation jam packed with drunks.