Cancer comment thread

1ST I want to thank skyraider who suggested i make a thread about this .

one real simple question why have people not found the cure for cancer yet ,
but yet have found a millon and one different ways of getting it

any comments or suggestions or questions

im sure atleast 1 out of every 3 to 5 people who read this thread have been affected or knows some one who has been affected by cancer

see nameregs thread for his oral sex throat cancer story


The One and Only Big Daddy
Yea I have a cvomment what really tears me up is each day we find and better way to kill each other such as new weapons.but we can't find a cure for cancer what makes matters worse is like the Bear said there are so many types of cancer and it is just getting worse but instead we make a better killing device:mad: It more sadning then anything but yet this is the world we live in,but we as people refuse to make it better.:hatsoff:
i asked my dad this question today he turned 55 today btw . his answer was son the world would loose to much money if they found a 1 stop cure for aids and cancer .

do you think money has played a roll into why a cure has not been found yet

i agree sky way to many ways to die now days . my father said back in the 70's life was much easier then now days . what are we doing to this world
i have lost 3 nuclear family members to cancer, and 10 extended family members. this disease is never the same twice. the "same" cancer doesn't hit two people in the same way - colon cancer metastasizes in the bones for one, in the kidneys for another, and there's no way to know where it is going for the next victim.

killing is easy. stop the heart, hurt the brain, destroy the organs. cancer is more complicated.

when every body reacts differently to cancer, a cure is nearly impossible. researchers need money. they need time.

cancer patients need more. if you know someone suffering through chemo, make sure their partners are well cared for. some day we'll beat this. it isn't today.
my dad has worked the same jobs for 37 years i went to his work alot has a kid his co worker is like my aunt she has cancer taken over 75% of her bones and body . she fought chemo once and felt good it just spread more now . dr.s told her to enjoy her summer.
its hard and not fair some day some one will have the answer i just wish it was sooner then later


The One and Only Big Daddy
Money plays a big factor give Donald Trump ancer he will be cured in less than a week.Give a scientist cancer he will find his own cure as long as he has the money to fund it.It is sad to say but I think this is the truth look at Magic Johnson he has HIV but he still looks great he can afford the treatment.We have a fighter jet that can go sub-sonic the F-22 that cost arould 40 million to make that is great but look at the cost of lives where as that type of money could have gone to research a new type of cancer to pervent it from spreading we are killing each other and don't even know it.:crying:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
We haven't found a cure because there isn't one. Cancer is technically an abnormal mutation of a normal cell. To be brief, everything you do effects the cells in your body, whether it's in a positive or negateve way. So, everything can cause cancer...even the potential cure for it.


The One and Only Big Daddy
We haven't found a cure because there isn't one. Cancer is technically an abnormal mutation of a normal cell. To be brief, everything you do effects the cells in your body, whether it's in a positive or negateve way. So, everything can cause cancer...even the potential cure for it.

So Chef what you are saying is even if we to eat right take care of ourselves we are still at risk,correct me if I'm wrong now I just want to get a better understanding.:dunno:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Cancer is natural. What is going on around us... what we eat, what we live around.. THAT is not natural. You want to bring sperm levels up, kill the cancer cells, raise the white blood cell counts? Turn off the towers. Turn the cell phones off. Stop eating so many preservatives, sodium and qudri-sodi-saturated ass agents.

Signals... radiation... all of it, it plays a part. Everyone knows this. Or at least they should.
My wife lost her brother to colon cancer in December...he was 47. On the same day he was diagnosed back in August, my wife's sister was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma...a ultra rare cancer of the blood. She's fighting for her life right now...she's 44 years old with two teenage daughters.

Honestly, she doesn't have very good odds of beating it, even with all the chemo, radiation, etc. With so many variations & mutations of cancer, I can't imagine there is one "cure all" drug, but I don't think that we're far off from being able to wipe out some forms. I don't really thing there's a cure floating around out there that the drug companies won't release because of money. I'm not naive, I just don't buy into that conspiracy theory.

If you have some room in your thoughts for my sister in law Cindy, we could use all the good karma we can get right now. Thanks.


Closed Account
My sister takes two hours to eat her food at night. My father lost his life to cancer. My mother had a brain tumour.

Just off the top of my head, right now, I wonder if it isn't possible to engineer gene therapy in such a way as to prevent cancer happening in at least many people in the first place. That from birth a child could be engineered to resist cancer in all its forms from the get go.

By 'engineered' I mean have his/her genetic makeup influenced to recognise and defeat the cancerous cells.
Chef's right. There hasn't been a cure for cancer because cancer isn't a single virus or bacteria like other things are. You can't just go in and find that thing to eliminate it's effects. It would be more correct to call it a condition, a broad one at that, and there are many things that go into causing mutations. Certain mutations lead to certain types of cancer, and certain activities and things we put into our bodies have a greater cancer of causing certain types of mutations than others, but to eliminate all things that might cause mutations would be a daunting task indeed. We can eliminate a lot of things that we subject to our bodies, especially the unnatural ones, and it helps, but cancer isn't just something somebody can flip a switch off on in all it's forms. It would almost be like saying you want people to make a cure for lacerations. In the future we might find cures or workarounds for certain types of cancer or learn more about how to prevent it in the first place, but to actually get as far as curing it would take almost a complete understanding of our genome and almost that level of manipulating of it.
i agree sky way to many ways to die now days . my father said back in the 70's life was much easier then now days . what are we doing to this world

Bullshit. I was a kid back in the '70's and things were just as rotten then as they are now.

My father and other adults said things were much better 30/40 years before, too. Guess what was actually happening then? World War II, The Great Depression, polio epidemics, lynchings and cancer was around also.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I'm not sure if there's a cure, since as other people have said cancer has so many forms and it's different for every person. But don't tell me that this doesn't have something to do with it:

Cost of Cancer Part V

A few Moffitt Bills trickled in with the final (I hope) of the Martin Memorial

Previous Balance .....$529,055.92

Lab, Path and Radiology .....$4849.00

Inpatient Hospital Stay .....$72,231.00

Consults, procedures .....$34,279.56

New Total Charges .....$640,423.40

This was the tally that a good friend of mine came up with about 20 days before she passed on. I'm sure by the time the final bills came it was close to 1 million. If we found a cure or vaccination there would be a lot of people losing drug and medical technology companies.

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?


Closed Account
^^ Oh no. That is devastating.

As for managing a cure, it would appear finances do play a hugely significant role on both the receiving or delivering end.

Computers are fast enough and powerful enough to manage the mapping of an entire human genome. They just need to be put into effect. Who will pay for their development, installation, training of medical staff, etc.?

Money, the FDA, (here in the States) approval process, financing, they all play a role.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Finding a cure for cancer will be hard. They do trials and are trying to find a cure. There is never enough money for research. I do remember reading that they did try an Aids vaccine on mice and they did notice the cancer cells shrank. That was 6 to 8 months ago. Even if this was a solution to cancer, it will take years more of animal trials and then they have to get FDA approval to do human trials. I have had cancer twice. The second time I had it I had to have surgery and it was scary as hell.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I'm not sure if there's a cure, since as other people have said cancer has so many forms and it's different for every person. But don't tell me that this doesn't have something to do with it:

This was the tally that a good friend of mine came up with about 20 days before she passed on. I'm sure by the time the final bills came it was close to 1 million. If we found a cure or vaccination there would be a lot of people losing drug and medical technology companies.

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Exactly my little Pet. Can I call you that? No? Eh, ok, sorry.

But, why do you think (with all of the medical advancements) we "can't" find a cure to the common cold? It's all about money. BILLIONS and BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars would be lost if we CURED something. I mean, God forbid we truly get people healthy, right?

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Exactly my little Pet. Can I call you that? No? Eh, ok, sorry.

But, why do you think (with all of the medical advancements) we "can't" find a cure to the common cold? It's all about money. BILLIONS and BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars would be lost if we CURED something. I mean, God forbid we truly get people healthy, right?

That is not true. There are plenty of cures for illnesses. Not all illnesses are easy to cure. Some of you make it should like it is so easy to do. It isn't. I have several friends who work in medical reasearch. They get paid shit and they do not have a huge budget. You can make more money with cures. The price of the medication would be high and you would probably have to take it the rest of your life. Look at all the poeple who take SSRI's and Benzo's. They are better and they pay a lot for meds and psychs.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Cancer has touched my life through relatives and friends. Yes they all lost their battles with Cancer.

I am not yet ready to cast blame on anybody for not finding a cure yet. why you ask?

For all the breakthroughs the medical world has conquered I don't think its a lack of trying that's not found a cure for cancer, I am certain the quest to find a cure has traveled down many different roads, paths, avenues, from the ground, the plants, trees, vines, toxins from other living animals, under the ocean, waters...etc..etc..

I think you all can relate to my examples of devotion allot of great minds have researched, such as Scientists, chemists, Doctors and all the likes of brilliance amongst us trying to find the antidote to eradicating this wicked curse of being afflicted with Cancer, cuz the odds are definitely not good once someones been diagnosed with Cancer.

So all in all, if you think of all the cures and the technology man has developed in 20th century and continuing into the present century that the exploration for a cure has not been alienated or not sought after efficiently, its proving to be the unstoppable destructive sickness that it is. Man can only use whats available on earth to find a cure, and so far nothing on this earth seems to be the answer. :dunno: :eek:

p.s. My thoughts and prayers go out to anybody that has or knows anybody that has cancer, and I offer my condolence's to any of you that have had a family member, relative, or friend taken away so unkindly due to the ugly disease known as Cancer. :mad:

Gr8 idea for a thread Skyraider. I tried to give you some rep. my friend, and I will when I am able to do so. :hatsoff:
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