Can anyone suggest some good Hentai movies?

I've not watched any good ones in ages, and was wondering if anyone can give me some of the best hentai movies that are about at the mo...?
Bible Black
I remember a friend back in school always talked about this series he had called Cool Devices. I think I watched an episode of it and it dealt with a date rape drug. It was odd stuff. If I remember right it was twelve different films with different scenarios.

I have seen some in a local FYI store years back when perusing the Anime section. I do not remember any names.
I remember a friend back in school always talked about this series he had called Cool Devices. I think I watched an episode of it and it dealt with a date rape drug. It was odd stuff. If I remember right it was twelve different films with different scenarios.

I have seen some in a local FYI store years back when perusing the Anime section. I do not remember any names.

pretty twisted series but no more twisted then the rest of the hentai videos that are released, I enjoyed The original La Blue Girl Series and The Legend of The Overfiend series but that is old school so you've probably seen those already
I haven't watched any of them. I watched some of that one with the pill and it is supposed to make the girl highly aroused. I'm not a fan of that type of art style so I wasn't a fan to start with when it came to Cool Devices.

When it comes to Japan the stuff they allow over there is illegal in most countries. Have to be careful.
If you're not into weird stuff, I just watched some Resort Boin, and it's pretty good. If you don't mind weird stuff, then I'd say Bible Black.