Can a mod "mod" a administrator?

He called me a bitch, but it meant i was his bitch.

He has been with alot of girls and has touched chica.

That means he's had a ton of beautiful chicks touching him.

So by my calculations

Me being his bitch means that I've touched all those chicks that he has touched and been with

This means I'm a whore and a pimp at the same time.

I've been with a ton of chicks and I've been his bitch.

Wait, what?

Whatever it is you are on, I WANT it!!
Hey Brah!
How bout Roald in the pic w/ Chica and the "3 for 1" Douchey Sunglasses?? :cool::1orglaugh

....and yes, I am VERY jealous!

Roald would have those chicks naked had he popped his collar.

Just sprayin'
no roald is the mac daddy of freeones he gets all the hot ass and there is untouchable if it helps he is prolly petras bitch
I believe this thread needs a good theme song before I show Roald the power of the members and Mods!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH

No! This a revolution! Civil War will break out if the abuse of power does not end!

Ah but you have failed to fully realise the paradox of the mod/administrator system. Where one has power the other has absolute power (and then there's FreeOnes himself who's like God or something) so to give those with power, absolute power over those with absolute power will only lead to anarchy and destruction. I mean who's going to help us God (FreeOnes)? You and I both know God doesn't give a shit about his creation. He just sits back and basks in the glory and praise of his creation without one shred of emotion for those suffering in the pit of pain he has created. Now of course we can change all of that once the power of the sell outs and the whores has been stripped and we're all equals again, then he'll notice, then once the human debauchery and sacrifice has been enacted in his honour he'll have to get up off of his almighty ass and do something about the abuse we the people of FreeOnes have suffered by the hands of the monsters he put in charge.

But until that day we'll be slaves you and I Whims, can't you see that? Cast off that fear and denial you feel deep within and see it with your own eyes.

"Freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitude"


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Actually, in most forums, it is possible to use the moderation features on all other members posts... which has turned out real bad as hackers that want to take down a forum will rather go for a newbie mod account because those guys are usually not as careful with their passwordsecurity as lon-time admins.

So its better to enfroce really tough passwords.

And - any mod that goes wild on admins posts is history in VERY short time.

Experienced admins and staff usually pick the right people for mod jobs and so this b/s seldom happens.
please guys stop hurting my feelings....
please guys stop hurting my feelings....

We are weakening him! He's showing emotions! Get him more emotionally enraged to force him in sporadic moves and we will have conquered an Admin!

He will look great in my trophy room. :tongue:

I'd rep him for being a good sport about all this. But he thinks he is too good for our rep. :(


The One and Only Big Daddy
We are weakening him! He's showing emotions! Get him more emotionally enraged to force him in sporadic moves and we will have conquered an Admin!

He will look great in my trophy room. :tongue:

I'd rep him for being a good sport about all this. But he thinks he is too good for our rep. :(

I will have a triple shot of what he had:glugglug: