I did not write that " statement ". Not sure where or how it was concocted but, those are certainly not my words.
I'll speak for myself now. I had avoided this forum/thread for a while now because of all of the negativity and drama. I understand that it comes with the territory but, it's not exactly fun to read
As far as CamWithCarmen.com, I have not been affiliated with that site for years now. I apologize to all of the members that were not made aware of that, as I didn't really have a solid avenue to do so. I stated it on my twitter and also warned people in my chats. It should have been made clear to members on the site but, I suppose the site is still " up and running " for a reason. To take some off the spotlight off of Abbie, I will take the majority of the blame for the lack of communication/content on the site while it was still active. I continued to provide content for the site up until they randomly decided to stop paying me and that is why I left. I am much happier camming independently through MyFreeCams and (very rarely) CamWithHer.com.
As for CarmenBella.com, the idea was brought to me quite a while back.. I entertained the idea of doing a content only website ( minus member chats ), and never heard about it again.. so, I'm not really sure why that's still being advertised. People are saying that I was " mismanaged ".. Well, I was never managed. I was never trying to take over the world lol. Camming is what I enjoy and what I'm comfortable with.. and I'm still trying to evolve as a " camgirl "

I know this whole thing is pretty random lol but, I figured better late than never. If anyone has any questions, feel free.. I don't bite