Re: Cam with Carmen

I was not trying to imply that it is pointless to try to stop the theft of Carmen's images at all. I'm also not saying that the fact that it happens makes it right. It just seems to be a two edged sword for Abbie and others, you want the content out there to advertise the site but not so much that people won't join.
Again, I'm not the target demograph for her site so I don't really have a dog in this fight.

This is the first time I've ever really heard about/thought about this kind of struggle.

I agree...there is a fine line...miss it and the net will be filled with topless photos. And with Carmen's choice to not do anything other than topless for her members, I can see the membership crashing. Carmen's crew is doing as much as they can, as would I and I wish them luck.
Re: Cam With Carmen

I'm really not trying to start anything and I apologize if it sounded that way.

Like I said this is really the first time I've given any though to the balancing act the site providers are performing.

Carmen is obvoiusly a very gorgeous woman and I wish her and her team the best in being successful with the site.
Re: Cam with Carmen

I'm really not trying to start anything and I apologize if it sounded that way.

Like I said this is really the first time I've given any though to the balancing act the site providers are performing.

Carmen is obvoiusly a very gorgeous woman and I wish her and her team the best in being successful with the site.

I didn't think for even a second you were trying to start a fight, and I hope you didn't take it as I was trying to fight you neither. We had a rather gentlemanly discussion, and I hope I provided you with good information.

In the past, this thread has been an all out bitchfest, and some of us here that have followed this thread for a long time are just leary at this point, so anything said, some might perceive as an act of war.

Honestly, thank you for our discussion. It was a pleasure.
Re: Cam with Carmen

And Abbie and her team, and Stev-O and his team have taken down gigs after gigs of Carmen. This isn't anything new for them. Shutting down viloators is business as usual. Proof of that is many and many dead links of old threads leading to illegal vidoes and pictures. Sure they can't stop every single person, but suggesting they're hopeless is being ignorant of what they've been doing and will continue to do, and that is protect their industry.

and how many people have gigs and gigs of carmen without paying a cent?