Re: Cam with Carmen
I'm really not trying to start anything and I apologize if it sounded that way.
Like I said this is really the first time I've given any though to the balancing act the site providers are performing.
Carmen is obvoiusly a very gorgeous woman and I wish her and her team the best in being successful with the site.
I didn't think for even a second you were trying to start a fight, and I hope you didn't take it as I was trying to fight you neither. We had a rather gentlemanly discussion, and I hope I provided you with good information.
In the past, this thread has been an all out bitchfest, and some of us here that have followed this thread for a long time are just leary at this point, so anything said, some might perceive as an act of war.
Honestly, thank you for our discussion. It was a pleasure.