Buying clips is a fucking headache


Why is it so god damned hard just to buy a fucking porn clip off the internet?

Whenever I find a title I want it's never available for 'download to own' and is only available for streaming/ When I am lucky enough to find it, it's got Digital Rights Management tacked onto so I can't put it on my fucking ipod.

Why can't the vendors just remove DRM from all of their clips fafuggsake


If you bought the movie you can put it onto your Ipod. You just can't share it with others for free downloads or spread it to other people. If you buy a dvd you can do whatever you want with it except share it illegally or create copies to sell it illegally. I can't tell you how to do it though since it's kind of a taboo topic on here. Just don't get into anything illegal and make sure you have the receipt in case someone tries to pull something on you.

I remove the copyright from everything I own. I make a copy of it and keep it for personal use. I do it with games though nothing that is porn though since I just watch sample clips on

If a friends sees a dvd there's nothing a company can do unless your giving him his own copy of it. You can't charge people to watch it unless you have rights to share it and usually you have to pay some sort of payment to the company. This is what happens with the NFL since the superbowl is huge they don't want people watching in large crowds so they can increase revenue since it's harder to tell if 1 or 100 people are watching the game, but for just friends and family they can't touch you.

Know your rights. :)
Why is it so god damned hard just to buy a fucking porn clip off the internet?

Whenever I find a title I want it's never available for 'download to own' and is only available for streaming/ When I am lucky enough to find it, it's got Digital Rights Management tacked onto so I can't put it on my fucking ipod.

Why can't the vendors just remove DRM from all of their clips fafuggsake

Either join an adult site and DL clips or try searching harder for your quest. It's out there.