Re: Anna Song
Okay, I'm sorry, but seeing as no one here has said it, I have to be the one to. I am an Anita/Tina/OneFallenAngel/1stFallenAngel/Anna Song purist. I've been a fan since she first showed up on and and she was absolutely GORGEOUS. Dark hair, fair complexion, perfect curves, amazing breasts, and I saw her in complete perfection.
But I have to say... Lately, she just looks like a typical American girl. I mean, I AM an American, but what I loved about her was her distinctive Russian-European look she always had, giving her a kind of enchanting energy.
Bnd lately I'm afraid she is over-tanned, overly made-up, and frankly just looks kind of fake. Now don't get me wrong, I still think she is beautiful and she has the right to change her look any way she that wants, but unfortunately she just doesn't enrapture me the way she used to.
So here are some videos back from the good old days:
I hope someday that kind of perfection will return. Until then, I always have Yulia Nova.