Burned or Buried

Burned - just in case I'm not actually dead and end up being buried alive. At least being burned you'd definitely be dead! I should probably do something about becoming a donor too.


I wonder which method is most environmentally sustainable
i.e. - emits the least amount of green house gasses: :)

√ The cremation process ?

√ The cutting, milling and building of the casket + The natural decomposition of the body in an undergrnd atmosphere ?

* [OR] the "YMIH" method ? (Aforementioned previous^)
There is a problem here, however :
The only "pack" animals that I know of, of which are are eager to consume carrion are the Hyenas. The problem is, these particular creatures only reside in Afrika !
That proposal is too cost prohibitive.

How about a flock of Buzzards / Turkey Vultures ?
Would this suffice ? :tongue:


Closed Account
It don't matter to me either way is fine with me.
Wow, this is a nice morbid thread, answering your question I would like to be dragged to the Tower of London be decapatated and then have my head stuck on a pike untill it rots away.

Whats better fot the environment, why should I care im dead :dunno: I suppose burial is better becasuse your going to be feeding the livestock who live around your coffin and the minerals in your body probably will help the ecosystem :dunno:.

Cremation uses alot of energy, burning a human body until it is just ashes must take up an enormous amount of energy, that oven has to be high.

But having your head stuck on a pike might be better, your fantastic food for birds and rodents and you give the place a pleasent smell.
The idea of rotting has never appealled to me.

Decided at a young age that cremation was the way to go. Still to decide where I want my ashes scattered though.

Resomation is another more eco-friendly option.
^^ Makes sense. Why waste a good coffin? It's not exactly essential to the process.

What would suck though is if you actually bought the coffin and unbeknownst to you (your loved ones anyway), your Undertaker pulls a fast one. That's downright theft.


i think i would take the flaming option. i dont want my loved ones to have to come and visit my grave, thats so depressing.
but if im burnt and my ashes are spread somewhere, like the ocean, then all they have to do is hop on a boat and go for a little sail if they wanna pay their respects. thats not depressing at all!

Ashli Orion

Official Checked Star Member
i dont like the idea of a crematorium, so id prefer to be buried... it's cool to think that i will become bug food and a part of the cycle of life


Fres - I feel like I should request that you . . maybe elaborate, but :glugglug: cheers to good health and well being, nevertheless.

i dont like the idea of a crematorium, so id prefer to be buried... it's cool to think that i will become bug food and a part of the cycle of life

I dunno if the bugs are all into formaldehyde :pukey: :D
That's prolly for the better, who knows.
Smoke me when I'm dead. You WILL get high.