Approved Content Owner
i feel like token on south park after he saw back door sluts 9 .

"i'm out.."

er... wut?

I can be wrong, but I have a feeling that Bryci's new blonde friend is Kennedy Leigh...

Sorry man, we've never met or contacted Kennedy or her agent to discuss work.

Not sure why you mentioned a new blonde friend? (not sure what you're talking about)


Approved Content Owner
some troll had posted something really nasty. mods deleted it...cannot unsee.

ahhhh yeah man, some people are just sad in their lived. Sucks for them I guess. we all go through hard times where we maybe reach out for attention from anyone.

Mind you, I never attacked others or trolled when I was going through hard times so maybe these guys just fucking idiots that need life to kick them in the teeth.. haha.. tough to say.

here are some tits though :D

Bryci and I were in Cancun last week.. that sand on her boobies is fresh!


In addition to updating http://bryci.com 4-6 times a week, we're also trying to update our free youtube channel often - http://bryci.tv (free to subscribe of course as it's youtube). Good way for people to see the people behind the porn if they're bored/curious.


Approved Content Owner
Full swap mmff foursome, or even just a mff threesome with Katie Banks! Lets start petitioning to make it happen!

haha love your enthusiasm man!

Won't happen though. Sorry man! Bryci has no desire to play with other guys. She has been given the option several times, has no interest in it. Now... offer a hot female and she's on board! That's why you see us with with other women... not men. She loves pussy and she loves sharing women with me.

Katie is her best friend.. and also like a sister to me, and we're friends with Katie's guy... so yup, that won't happen either. We're having the time of our lives, doing what we like to do. Sure, there are always people asking us to do this or that.. bur we're having fun doing what we do. Never know what the future holds!


Approved Content Owner
I'm sure she's not interested in other guys... :drool2:

Ask her yourself if you think I'm wrong. Her twitter is @Bryci - http://twitter.com/bryci

She's said this time and time again and the only people that for whatever reason can't accept it are usually the guys that don't understand that women tend to have opinions on things, and if guy #312 doesn't like it, they don't care. Women live their lives for THEM, not some random guy that thinks he knows what women want.

Bryci and I are a married couple, we're not porn stars that work for studios. We are the studio, meaning we hire anyone we want, if we want.

It was her idea that we started filming hardcore because she felt if she was filming solo videos for her site with a cock shaped dildo, what's the difference between that and filming with her husband. Nothing wrong with filming with your husband she figured so she asked me and here we are. When we started filming with females, it was largely in part because she likes women. In her interview on our youtube channel (http://bryci.tv), she herself says she was dating a woman when I met her.

Backstory for those curious - She'd given up on guys because they were only after one thing and usually were cocky assholes. I met her and gave no fucks about her view of me. I worked in porn and I had just finished dating someone so I didn't want to date anyone, Bryci was not an exception to this. We were friends for 6-9 months before we started seeing each other casually and then it went from there. We started with a fuck the opposite sex mindset, so we were able to be honest with each other, no bullshit etc. - I didn't treat her like a piece of meat, and I wasn't trying to fuck her.

So fast forward to now.. 11 years later...

We're working in porn and when the idea to shoot with others came up, I told her whatever makes her happy. She had been approached by a major studio to be a contract star and her thoughts were... ummm.. fuck no. She wanted to just have fun with her husband and some girls on the side. She later found a way to get hotter girls, that had been tested and were std free and we could bring them into our sites, so we do when we're able to. She likes girls, she's always been very open about that, I'm just lucky that she likes me more but I'm sure if I started treating her like the typical Bro.. I'd be on the outside looking in as well.

Sorry it doesn't make sense to you, but that's the great thing here.. it doesn't matter if it makes sense to you or not. It's her life, she's playing by the rules she sets out. We're a simple married couple that like women. Not really that hard to grasp,


Approved Content Owner
^It is when you act super defensive. Seems like you'd be jealous if she did another guy...

So someone says something you don't like and your response is to come up with a new opinion to make sense of it rather than listen to the actual reason?


Bryci has been asked this countless times to film with other guys, and she has always answered the exact same way. I pointed out a method to ask her, but did you? Nope.

(Of course it's worth noting, she doesn't own an explanation to anyone, so she might respond, she might ignore you. Women are weird that way.)

If I would be super jealous as you said, I wouldn't have told her I'm fine with her filming with anyone she wants to film with. Women, men, companies, studios etc.

Yet... I did tell her this and she chose sharing her husband with women. You have heard of women that get off on watching their spouse fuck other women in front of them, right? She gets to play with hot women, share me with hot women, you get to be mad. It sort of works out pretty well. (sorry, haha, I'm joking here)

She calls the shots, she's CEO of BellaPass. Boomshakalaka.

It's not 1940. Women do what they want, you know that right?.

Again, feel free to ask her yourself. I detailed how earlier or watch her youtube video (interview on bryci.tv, one of our first uploaded videos) where she answers this herself.

Have a great weekend, man!


super defensive husband.