Hey James- I believe you said not long ago that
Bryci was shooting a girl/girl vid for an upcoming update. Can you bring us up to date on that, please?
Thanks for your time.
We were planning on doing a shoot with Natalie Tyler but our Vegas trip was cut short, so we've put it on the back burner so to speak for now given that we live so far apart. We're still planning it though. We should be down in AZ sometime in Oct/Nov/Dec area, still unsure as we're launching many sites in Bella right now. Anyone that is a member of
Bryci gets the other sites as well. We just added Renna Ryann tonight and this Saturday... yet another solo model goes live. We're trying to keep people happy.
If something changes I will let you know. I'm shooting
Bryci tomorrow and we're doing new videos on Wednesday of this week so new stuff inbound shortly!