Her age is listed on her website or the bio here at Freeones. (24)
I appreciate your willingness to help, honestly, I do but thing is, you know nothing about this business other than what you've been told. To most people, $250,000 is a lot for a model. Hell, I would love a chance to make that kind of money! haha. but... I know of some web models that pull double that a year without issues. So it all comes down to who the girl is, how long her site has been online etc (Bryci certainly doesn't, but the site is 10 months old)
While we appreciate your enthusiasm, why not accept the odds that if we've come this far, we know what we're doing and we're happy?

B has had several offers from *very* well known magazines, and contract offers from major companies. (no, I won't go into detail on this)
She's declined those because why would she do something for someone else to get paid a small amount and they make money too when we can do it ourselves and make more? The old saying is true... you don't get "rich" working for someone else.
Lastly, girls that pose for magazines/newspapers do not get paid a lot as you put it. They get paid a small amount, and they get paid once. Where as the magazine/newspaper now owns those images so they can use the images to continue to make money over and over. That's just how it works, and I tip my hat to those businesses.
Hope I didn't offend
Happy Holidays! :thumbsup: