my point is that this is a discussion forum. just because someone offers constructive criticism does not mean they are a "hater." the biggest problem with you responding so closely to everything said is that you are killing all discussion. want to know what people are thinking of your site? back off and watch the discussion without participating. i get the feeling you think your site is perfect, but guess what? there are ways you could improve it. this does not make me a hater, it does not mean i don't like the model, or anything like that. it means that people beside you have ideas too, and
You Might do well to listen to them.
this is the last time i will engage you in conversation, so your response is not only not required, it isn't wanted. i can predict it anyway.
awwww muffin.
If someone is talking about the website, I reply, that's how it works on boards. Surely you get that? (see that little reply thing I did? that's how it works on boards.

) You get the feeling I think my site is perfect? You've somehow misunderstood things so what have we learned? That you have your own opinion and hey, that's cool, you're allowed to have that. We all have one. heh :nanner:
Unless this is your first day online, you know on the internet there are those that like what someone is doing, and those that don't like. It's a melting pot of everything so it's best to not really care what anyone says and do what is right for you. We didn't create her site so you could be happy, or so your needs would be met. We created her site so she would be happy. If someone else likes it, fantastic!

Is it the best site online? Hell no man, we never said this, that was your incorrect interpretation. Am I going to get into some internet argument with you? (hahaha) No because honestly, I don't much care. Nothing is gained. I have better things to do.
As I said you can't make everyone happy.
To those that enjoy what we're doing, Kick Ass! Plenty more to come! To those that don't enjoy what we're doing, There are plenty more girls to look at online, have fun!