I legit logged on just now for no other reason than comment about how incredibly sexy she looks after gaining a few pounds. It went to all the right places and she looks fucking amazing. Im in awe at the people who have anything bad to say about this, and trust me.. I'm the kind of guy who normally myself likes skinny/athletic girls or curves without much body fat.

For real tho if you don't approve of how she looks right now.. you're actually gay. There's not a single one of you who wouldn't bang the everliving fuck out of her if given the opportunity, stop kidding yourselves.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
This may be a "discussion" board, but this is not a discussion thread, this is a fan thread.

Any "discussion" that is disparaging (trollish) is not allowed. If anyone wants to disparage (troll) Bryci, go to the Talk section and start a thread where that type of crap is permitted.

Someone (I won't say who) took my suggestion and started a thread in the Talk section, but decided to troll JD instead. Some trolling is allowed, but creating a thread to specifically "target" a member (not just ACO's) is forbidden. That thread was deleted.


Approved Content Owner
Bryci used to be one of the hottest girls on the internet, and her website one of the best. It was constantly updating with fresh and new content, with B/G, G/G and some great solo stuff. Now it's stale, same old solo stuff just a different colour outfit. No G/G stuff in ages, only one B/G video this year, feeble BTS videos to bulk out the updates, and worse of all Bryci really looks to have let herself go. Now I know some people like the chunky heavyweight look, but I reckon if punters were asked which Bryci they prefer, today's Bryci or Bryci from a couple of years back, the majority would say from a couple of years back. I think they'd say the same about her website too. JD and Bryci need to take some tips from Katie Banks and TC, that girl is as hot as ever, and keeps her content mixed up and fresh, it would be great if Bryci did the same, and back rocking the internet like she used to. Just my two cents.

I had replied to you once before, but Connor removed it along with the huge post I made to all of the trolls. I was quoting them, and he removed their posts so it made sense mine went as well.

I did want to touch on your post though because you're not only wrong, you're incredibly naive.

Bryci still is one of the hottest girls on the internet. I know this opinion is shared, because, in the past 12-24 months, our membership numbers have almost tripled from before when she was barely eating, doing hardcore.

We all get opinions, and you're certainly entitled to liking someone or not, I agree with that fully. Honestly, we could care less if you don't like what we do now. Go find someone thing you do like and live a great life. Isn't that goal?

What purpose is served when you go into a model's thread and basically attack her and her site? Do you somehow think any person responds to the things you said positively? We still update weekly, it's still fresh new content. The only thing that has changed is that it's not what you like, so you felt the thing to do would be to attack the model and her site? That seriously made sense to you?

We started Bryci's site in 2009, that's over 10 years ago. Feel free to show me models running their own site for over ten years that are still going, still active on social media, Instagram, youtube etc?... Now show me models that still look the way they did 10 years ago? You understand every human changes body composition over ten years right? Pics of you 10 years ago are different from now as well. We all change, and those that find fault in others changing come off as insecure people. Not a good look for anyone, really.

We're a husband and wife that run a site, we're not professional porn stars and somewhere I get the feeling you think you're owed something or that if a site does one thing one day, how dare they change it the next day. You referenced our good friends Katie and TC but somehow.. you yourself didn't notice they too do not update with hardcore anywhere near as they once did. Strange you didn't notice that since you're such a "fan" and all.

On occasion, we get a person like you, and I never understand why that person thinks their opinion will change anything other than making them look angry. We want you to be happy my man.

For fun, google "average woman weight". The answer is 5'3, 170lbs. Bryci stands 5'3 and weighs 136. Five years ago she weighed 122, ten years ago she weighed 105-110lbs area. People age, life goes on.

Bryci is still creating, she's happier than she's ever been, she has a larger fanbase and member base than she's ever had. All because she started to film what SHE wanted. We had some fun shooting hardcore while we did it, but we have more fun keeping that side to our private life. We don't owe anyone an explanation, we never said there would be bg, or gg or anything. We said there would be regular updates and there are.

Hope you find what you're after man.

ps - the behind the scenes videos get huge feedback, people love them. They are downloaded almost as much as the other videos.
I had replied to you once before, but Connor removed it along with the huge post I made to all of the trolls. I was quoting them, and he removed their posts so it made sense mine went as well.

I did want to touch on your post though because you're not only wrong, you're incredibly naive.

Bryci still is one of the hottest girls on the internet. I know this opinion is shared, because, in the past 12-24 months, our membership numbers have almost tripled from before when she was barely eating, doing hardcore.

We all get opinions, and you're certainly entitled to liking someone or not, I agree with that fully. Honestly, we could care less if you don't like what we do now. Go find someone thing you do like and live a great life. Isn't that goal?

What purpose is served when you go into a model's thread and basically attack her and her site? Do you somehow think any person responds to the things you said positively? We still update weekly, it's still fresh new content. The only thing that has changed is that it's not what you like, so you felt the thing to do would be to attack the model and her site? That seriously made sense to you?

We started Bryci's site in 2009, that's over 10 years ago. Feel free to show me models running their own site for over ten years that are still going, still active on social media, Instagram, youtube etc?... Now show me models that still look the way they did 10 years ago? You understand every human changes body composition over ten years right? Pics of you 10 years ago are different from now as well. We all change, and those that find fault in others changing come off as insecure people. Not a good look for anyone, really.

We're a husband and wife that run a site, we're not professional porn stars and somewhere I get the feeling you think you're owed something or that if a site does one thing one day, how dare they change it the next day. You referenced our good friends Katie and TC but somehow.. you yourself didn't notice they too do not update with hardcore anywhere near as they once did. Strange you didn't notice that since you're such a "fan" and all.

On occasion, we get a person like you, and I never understand why that person thinks their opinion will change anything other than making them look angry. We want you to be happy my man.

For fun, google "average woman weight". The answer is 5'3, 170lbs. Bryci stands 5'3 and weighs 136. Five years ago she weighed 122, ten years ago she weighed 105-110lbs area. People age, life goes on.

Bryci is still creating, she's happier than she's ever been, she has a larger fanbase and member base than she's ever had. All because she started to film what SHE wanted. We had some fun shooting hardcore while we did it, but we have more fun keeping that side to our private life. We don't owe anyone an explanation, we never said there would be bg, or gg or anything. We said there would be regular updates and there are.

Hope you find what you're after man.

ps - the behind the scenes videos get huge feedback, people love them. They are downloaded almost as much as the other videos.

What memories! 5 years ago and 122 lb Let's be... thankful for all the good times.
Bryci continues to be a beautiful girl, even with a few extra pounds it is always fabulous, we await new photo shoots, have a nice day
Bryci continues to be a beautiful girl, even with a few extra pounds it is always fabulous, we await new photo shoots, have a nice day

I reckon now that she is a few pounds more then she used to be, it would be super hot to see an anal scene!!!:drool2::drool2:


Approved Content Owner
is bryci and bellapass web closed?

+1 for anal.

anal will never happen, as she has said from the start.

no - if you are getting a closed message, it means you are in an area one of the Bellas are that has stalker issues (not saying you're that stalker lol) - access to one site is access to all sites so if we nuke an area, that might be you as well. if you want to dm me your ip, I can look into it more.
"In the United States, the average adult female height was 63.8 inches (approximately 5 feet 4 inches) and 166.2 pounds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. - Jul 18, 2017"

Because people watch porn to see "average" women.

Is that last shot photoshopped or did she get some butt injections? Her but never had a "pop" like that before and it's very clear that she didn't start working out (putting on a ton of weight doesn't magically make your butt perk up).

She's relatively young and works in a business where she sells her appearance, so it's sad to see her let herself go and be comfortable looking a bit sloppy, but we've seen others bounce back and look great after some hard work and discipline, so who knows if she'll stay like this. The clock is ticking though.

PS: For all you guys who like BBW, I'm not trying to rain on your parade. It's just not my thing.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I just quit the bryci website / bellapass.com network. I waited over three weeks for James to fix the issues with my username and password. You see my information was compromised. Apparently other IP Addresses from other countries got access to his content through my information and unbeknownst to me, his website security blocked me. Rather his security is blocking my IP Address. He was supposed to fix it within 24 hours of getting the email. Well he didn't. He also didn't follow up with a second email I sent the second week. I contacted ccbill the third week. Again nothing was done. I am through with it. I had the account for seven years. And another script to katiebanks.com for an additional two years. Nine years in total. First time something like this has happened.

Great customer service you have there James -- Not! (n)

Let's face facts, he assumes everyone whose information gets leaked or compromised is going out there and stealing his content. Look I don't need his dinky $19.95 a month network. I am a member in good standing of eighty (80) to over a hundred and twenty (120+) adult websites and networks that I pay for. Some monthly. Some every ninety days. Some annuals.

I'm happy. Apparently he's not. That's all I'll say about this.
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sure would be nice if that clown would share her, so we could actually see her handling a big dick. just sayin', he'd be great for a cuckold theme, but that's about it.