Dude, she's wicked hot, you know I think so.
But are those your bikes? Is that your garage?
If you've got her and all that I might have to start hating you. Just on principle.
Fresh Bryci Content!
This was cold outside for this... Bryci was squeeling!
hahaha, thx man, no not my bikes, no, not my garage. I wrote a blog about this that might clear this up, as did Bryci
Fresh Bryci Content!
The Bubble Gum shoot! (small video sample as seen earlier on my blog, also found here)
Hope you guys like!
Nobody liked the last shoot? strange!I thought it was hot as hell. heh
Fresh content time again!
Hope you like!
I loved both of them, I just passed out when I saw them & couldn't post till know :1orglaugh
I've got a bunch of dirt bikes if your interested, next shoot, just sayin'........ I really dug the pink hair shoot, ya got any other crazy color wigs? I love that look.
Dude, your a lucky man, Bryci make sure he knows it!
I do not know if she is new or not but she is sure hot,