Can we get a video?
Or anyone know where I can get one...Bryciiiiii is soooo hot! omg lol
Can we get a video?
Or anyone know where I can get one...Bryciiiiii is soooo hot! omg lol
You have to join the site to see the videos. It's totally worth it though.
hey eltardo...
excellent work. truly a great amateur site, if not the best i have come across. couple q's for you:
1) what kind of content is on the site, and what do you two have planned for the future? will she do FULL nude or any mast/hardcore? or does she want to keep it to the semi-nude/full-nude-tease (no spreading, etc)
2) you guys get married/engaged recently? i noticed rings in a recent set...
keep up the good work man. lucky lady you got there.
New Galleries! :hatsoff:
We also added a new HD video called Baby Oil Goodness it's in the member's side of
(sorry, this pic is not clickable but I'll create a promo video for this later this week)
Thanks for the kind words, always appreciated!
Bryci is full nude, but there will not be mast/hardcore in the future. She sets sher own rules and she's been very clear she'd like to stay on the Playboy style side of things. There won't be spreading etc in other words. =)
No, we're not married, those are family rings. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the compliments. =) I write in when I have time and sometimes, it's more time then I care to admit.. haha.. I'm an ass, it's fun. =)
If we somehow gave the impression that we feel what we do is art, whooooa.... that wasn't what we meant at all. I understand the christian dictionary usage of the word porn and what not, but myself.. I always thought porn = sex. As in, if a buddy says he was watching a porn, I don't think it was a Playboy video, I assume it was Vivid feature or something with cum shots etc. haha Don't you?
We do adult entertainment, it's most definitely for adults and no, we don't consider it art. Some photos might be more artistic then others,but that's just us fuckin' around trying to do something different in that set. I'm not sure where we said what we do is art, but if I did say that and you can point it out, I'd happily edit it because no, that's not what we do.
Do i think we do porn? No, we do nude stuff, adult entertainment and yes, a good deal of society would think.. OMG that's PORN! but then again if I asked my grandmother about a Maxim magazine she'd tell me that's porn too. Surely doesn't mean she's right just because old values tell her that's porn. Does it? haha
We're just trying to have fun. =)
lol it's right on your bio man.
"I’m a normal guy, I’m in my 30’s. I work in the adult industry. Not the porn industry, there is a difference. I often hear people saying… dude… you work in porn! It’s not the same though, not even remotely close. If a girl is nude, is that porn? If you answered yes, welcome to 1800 ya dumb fuck.
Nudity is not porn. I work with nudity, no males involved, no sex, nothing but pose, click, pose, click, pose, click. If you somehow think this is porn, You Might want to hit a library or museum and check out some art."
Nah dude, you work in porn. 'Adult entertainment' is just a fancy 21st century way to not have to call it 'porn'. Adult entertainment/porn vs erotic art, yes there's a difference. Adult entertainment vs porn... no difference.
And you're right: if girl is nude, it doesn't automatically mean it's porn. But your site definitely is. The nudity that you work with definitely is porn and not art as you attempt to call it in your bio. And that's not 1800's mindset at all.
Pornography definitely doesn't just mean sex like you said above. Playboy is absolutely porn, aka why you have to be 18 to purchase Playboy OR hardcore porn. Maxim is not considered porn (according to law and popular opinion...of course you can always find some conservative Christian fuckhole out there that thinks SI swimsuit is porn). Common sense rule of thumb: if you have to be 18 to buy it, it's porn. HC porn DVD? 18. Playboy? 18. Maxim? No requirement (sold in the aisle and not behind the counter). I think your misconception is that porn=HC. What about "softcore PORN"? aka Playboy, and aka your site. Sorry bro, but it's porn. Softcore, tasteful, elegant, and beautiful, but it's porn.
Otherwise, excellent reply. I am not trying to knock you and I appreciate your good nature and willingness to have a friendly argument. That part of your site got on my nerves a little bit though... and no I'm not religious or conservative at all, I just didn't like the fact that it seemed a little chicken shit.
Keep up the great work.