If I understood, you'll be the next Wifey and husband (not tryin' to compare). Not bad. Lucky boy.
Yes, you understood correct - that's somewhat what we're aiming for. We looked around and there are some great couple sites out there, but not a lot of them so if we have a shot at making some people smile, hell yes, we'll go for it! We haven't really started to film anything insanely explicit yet - but we're going there shortly. =)
Thanks for the kind words and yes, I'm an incredibly lucky guy. This blog post bryci did has nothing to do with what you just said.. it's funny though because I get the lucky thing often.
blog post
How can a princess like bryci date with such a guy which so bad sex skills and such a small dick.
Hope she's happy tough!
You sound like one of those losers who goes to nightclubs just to pick fights with guys because you're jealous they have a girl you can never have and think every woman belongs to you...now you injure or win some "fight" and think that girl is automatically yours now?
Theirs a lot more to life then oogling girls on the internet and looking at other guys cocks...
You also sound like someone with an unhealthy obsession.
Yes, Bonehead did sound like a wee bit of a troll but that's cool. I knew full well if I went down this road with Bryci I'd have my share of haters. Hell, I already had them because of who I'm with. I get that, totally. The golden rule when you're a single guy usually: You see a hot girl with her boyfriend/husband. If the girl is hot, then by default - the guy is a douche nozzle. I knew others would hate on me because of being with Bryci. Doing porn vids with her - yeah, I fully was waiting/am waiting for negativity/haters etc. Meh, no big deal. I'm not hung like a porn star, probably because I'm not a porn star. Derp. I thought that'd be common sense. I've got normal equipment, and it makes Bryci smile so that's that matters to me. To be honest, I have thought about making up a story about going for penile surgery to get a 14 inch python or something.. just to see if anyone is stupid enough to believe it. It seems if people read it online, that makes it true. lol
Haters - if you're reading this..
thank you for your support. You being a dick and talking smack about myself or Bryci or both of us, only publicizes us more and makes us more money so please, keep it up!
Daddy needs a home in the Bahamas.
Fans - we'll keep raising the bar, having fun etc - We're shooting later this week - videos, photos etc so yes, it's time to start testing ideas etc. Thanks for kicking ass and loving what we do!