brunette or blond?

Lisa Brunet

Official Checked Star Member

Now a real brunette or do you prefer me as a blond?
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Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Brunette always wins.

Whichever is authentic. If two girls are standing in front of me, one brunette and one blond, I go with whichever has her biological color. If they both are, then I go blond first, brunette second. :2 cents:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I like myself a brunette liker with blonde hairlights it is the best of both worlds.


Although I :lovecoupl blondes, I've had the most fun and the best sex while in the company of a brunette.
I just don't understand it, a blonde I can screw all night, but the brunette I wanna screw all week! :banger:


Now a real brunette or do you prefer me as a blond?
Woman, you are a brunette! Very foxy! :yesyes:

Lisa Brunet

Official Checked Star Member
Thanks sweeties for al the reactions!
So brunette is till now the favorite!

Ok nexttime with some highlights in it :nanner:
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