Broken Penis



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement

Can we WTC7 this guy?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Oh hey, I've got a slightly defective one. It's big, it spooges pornstar amounts, but it only works with ONE girl and ONE guy. and I'm that one guy. Jack it or get into my ex's hole. :shrug: A'course it doesnt help that I drink a lot, but EVEN BEFORE THAT, MAN! EVEN BEFORE THAT! ::points at you all sternly, walks away::

heh heh.. oh well. She still talks to me. among other... things.
Nope. Never had one of those. And I hope to fuck I never do. The amount of masterbating I do it's a wonder it's not snapped off yet!.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Poor Moleman.