Very nice squaddie!
Ok Libertards start your cryin'.
:crying:Took long enough to lay down some propaganda lulz
I do have to wonder about the second target he took out. If he moved right after the first person was shot him getting hit was almost due to complete dumb ass luck, or the shooter being psychic considering the length of time it took the second bullet to reach it's target and the difficulty of even lining up a second shot at that distance. (Not to mention almost no gun is that accurate anyhow even if the shooter had God-like shooting ability. I've known about people hitting smaller targets further out so it's not impossible, but even considering they were some of the best shots in the world, knew almost everything about the physics of shooting, were intimately familiar with their rifles, and had the best rifles constructed for them it still usually took multiple shots to do it while the target was still, and even they would admit it was as much luck as it was skill at that distance.) It makes me wonder if a lot of this is made up or exaggerated.
:crying: :crying: Yeah read about this. Story released conveniently before it was announced that 3 more British soldiers had been killed yesterday and Sunday (2nd-3rd May). Public here aint so fickle and can see through all this bullshit government propaganda that wants to fool us into thinking we're 'winning' in Afghanistan.
All I have to say is: Pff
same here.
That's cool, I guess. You have to be kind of a pussy to shoot a guy from a mile away, but I guess it's better than just dropping a bomb on him. I'd be more impressed if he killed the guy with his bare hands.
Actually, I'd be most impressed if he killed a bear with his bare hands instead.
Another pussy that fails to impress me.
I'd tell him that to his face, and then go get a Coke while he sat down and did his calculations so that he could shoot me.
1. Believe everything you read in the newspapers, especially the good bits about victorious allies bumping off a few more terrorists
2. Celebrate these claims with as many pro global-war-on-terror cliches, exclamation points, and all round chest beating as you can fit in one post
3. Spew vitriol at anyone who doesn't do the same
4. Repeat
That's sharpshooting