Wooooooo! 43.3 million illegals? Www WOW! Dayyyy - Um! That's way more plentifully scary than I thought! :eek:
11 million already sounded ginormous. There's definitely way more of a problem than I remotely imagined. 43.3 million is definitely something that needs to be addressed, nipped in the bud and not allowed to keep growing.
Anyway ... no, I don't have a more authoritative source. I'm not sure there is one. There probably can't be. It's probably one of those things that different "experts" can only make educated guesstimates. I did a quick Google before my previous comment and quickly realized I was just gonna be looking at widely-varying estimates.
I would agree. These people are here illegally. If there were here legally, wouldn't we know it? Who knows how many there are?
That said, I don't want to be perceived as being dismissive of the illegal alien issue. Hell, I live at the epicenter of it right here in Houston. I can leave my house and meet 20 illegals with 5 minutes so the problem is rampant. To think that building a wall or to force deportation of all of them (including the Dreamers) is going to stop the flow of illegals is naive and simplistic in my view. We have to find a method to legitimize the ones who are behaving themselves and contributing to society and separating the ones who are not. That's the quintessential dilemma. You can pass all kinds of laws limiting immigration, put up travel bans, get rid of sanctuary cities, build a wall, hire more Border Patrol agents....all those measure are feel-good things for some people but how effective are they really going to be? How do they address the existing problem? It's a huge problem and I totally understand the concern but there are no simple answers here and I think we need to get real about how to actually address it. Going after the Dreamers is not the place to start in my book.