Breaking News: Charlie Sheen dating another porn star -> Georgia Jones

:( She used to be one of my favorites. Now I wouldn't fuck her with dirk's dick.
I like Charlie Sheen. He doesn't bullshit and check out some of his quotes:
“I am on a drug – it’s called Charlie Sheen. It’s not available because if you try it, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.”
“I’m different. I have a different constitution, I have a different brain, I have a different heart. I got tiger blood, man.”
“If you borrowed my brain for five seconds, you’d be like, ‘Dude! Can’t handle it, unplug this bastard!’ It fires in a way that’s maybe not from, uh… this terrestrial realm.”
“The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards, all of them look like droopy-eyed, armless children.”
“I probably took more than anybody could survive. I was banging seven-gram rocks. Because that’s how I roll. I have one speed. I have one gear: Go.”
“I’m not bi-polar, I’m bi-winning. I win here and I win there.”
“It’s been a tsunami of media and I’ve been riding it on a mercury surfboard.”
“The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning.”
“I’m tired of pretending I’m not special. I’m tired of pretending I’m not a total bitchin’ rock star from Mars.”
“People can’t figure me out, they can’t process me, I don’t expect them to. You can’t process me with the normal brain.”
“I’m an F-18, bro, and I will destroy you in the air and deploy my ordnance to the ground.”
“Dying is for fools, amateurs.”
Fucking GLORIOUS!!!


Lord Dipstick

That pic says it all right there, a pooey ass in a garbage can.
....and I'd lick it 7 ways to sunday and NOT make the mistake of wearing white socks with a pair of black shoes.....EVAR!! :nono:
She's a couple years late isn't she? One would think Charlie's act has not only warn quite thin by now, but it's getting old and less people care about him as time goes on. The Charlie career advancement track seems like a strategy that's has too great of a chance of being derailed before it begins. If it's just for the money he gives out one would also think there would be other avenues.

Hopefully she doesn't have to lock herself in the bathroom for fear of being harmed in one of his drugged out benders.
Meh, so fucking what! :clap: This reminds me I have to pay my water bill online before tuesday. :computer: